Friday, June 30, 2006

2 weeks old

Today I am 2 weeks old. I can now finish 2 oz of milk in one go. :-)

I use my bathtub now, since my umbilicord fell off. I can't wait to have my first real bath. Daddy, Mommy and I are going to see the doctor tomorrow. My first visit to the doctor. :-)

Daddy calls me 'dumpy' sometimes, because I use a lot of diapers.

Mommy's nickname for me right now is 'little chab'.

I like sucking on daddy's nose while waiting for my milk. I can tell he likes it, because he laughs a lot when I do.

I already had my first nail cut when I was one week old and had my first bath by Grandmommy.

I was able to go to the terrace 2 times already :-) The first time, mommy brought me out and we watched daddy fly his helicopter and the other time, daddy brought me out to get some sun.

I don't like it when they wake me up in the afternoon, but daddy says it's good for me so that I can sleep at night.

Friday, June 23, 2006

My First week at home

Mommy and Daddy brought me home on Sunday. They picked me up from the nursery and I took my first car ride down the highway. I wore a white had with a bear, and a while Roo blanket home, gifts from Tito Tomas. My cheeks were shaking during the ride home because they were so chubby, mommy said.
It was a sunny day and daddy made sure my crib was ready and the room was cool before I got out of the car. Lolo, Grandmum and Grandad were at home to greet me when I arrived.

I slept the whole way from the hospital to my new home with mommy and daddy.