Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Grabbing things

Bye bye my mobile...

I had to say goodbye to my crib mobile, because the 'rents wanted to keep it already since I might pull it down. I can reach for things and turn left and right when I am on my tummy. I can reach for the things I want now. =)

I started sleeping late recently. I wanted to move to the midshift, just like daddy! hahahah! :)

I like putting my feet up when I sleep, eat, play, and any time of the day. :) it relaxes me.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Speaking whale

daddy says i can talk to whales. See me talk on mommy's multiply.

Monday, November 20, 2006

My schedule

2am - cry. wake mommy to let her know i'm hungry. try to sleep while daddy plays with me. sleep.

5am - whimper. i'm hungry again, mommy! burp me, too!

8am - uuuuuhhhhh! make some sounds in my sleep. kick off the blanket.

10 am - wake up before mommy and daddy to get some play-alone time. look around the dark and quiet room while slowly openning my eyes. study my hand. eat it. tap mommy to see if she wakes up. she just looks at me and goes to sleep again. turn around. look at daddy turning in his sleep. ugh, can't reach! go back to eating my hand.

1030 am - wake up mommy for real now. she smiles at me. we play for a while until daddy wakes up.

11 am - call yaya. spend time in the crib, changing my diaper. play with my mobile and froggy. drink my orange juice.

12 nn - watch mommy or daddy or both of them eat. i wanna eat too! yum! chew...chew...chew my gums....smack my lips...

1 pm - take a bath. splash the water all over the room, into my crib and all over the carpet and on mommy. try to look down so yaya cannot wash my neck. attempt to poop in the tub sometimes.

120 pm - let mommy clean my ears and give me my vitamins. wear the vitamins on my lips like lipstick. water!!! milky!!! let daddy brush my hair into a jose rizal do.

2 pm - 6pm - say goodbye to daddy when he goes to "work" but i think he just disappears for a long time (like in peek-a-boo) into the hole in the wall that mommy calls a 'door'. play or sleep depending on my mood. watch cartoons ...

7 pm- watch mommy eat. grind my gums..., yum!

8 pm - play! play! peek-a-boo! eat froggy or humpty dumpty or lester the bear...hug my favorite bolster pillow.

10pm - getting sleepy...

11 pm - I'M OUT!!!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

re-cap Chab laughs

If you go back to the post "learned to laugh" there is a new video posted.

here are some more. taken on the monday after milenyo.

Punch lines

Watching Spiderman 2 on HBO...

Cool Spidey outfit.


Where'd you get it?

I made it.

Looks uncomfortable.

Yeah, it gets kind of itchy.

And it rides up in the crotch
a little bit too.
...Chab reacts, "ehe."

Hahahahah! she knows the punchlines

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Latest infatuations

Lately, I like looking at:

remote controls,
my hand,
mommy's hand,
magazines and paper,
my new humpty dumpty toy that makes noises when you move it.


Friday, November 03, 2006