Saturday, March 31, 2007


I can balance on my feet already, standing up! I can do it for 5 seconds, sometimes 10 seconds! I like to dance when I like the food. I like the songs "Come rain, come shine" by Tata Young and "Nothing in this World" by Paris Hilton.

I can pick up food with my index finger and thumb now. I can pick up my gerber stars!

Look at me here dancing to "nothing in this world" saying pap pap, pap pa pa ra rap!


Yum! I love oreos! Daddy gave me some tonight and I made a happy dance the whole time! I had black teeth and oreos all over my mouth.


I hate ikea! We always go there and there is nothing for me to see. All I get is some bites of hotdog bread and sips of Sprite. Hahahaha!

Friday, March 30, 2007

Talking video

Here it is! What you've been waiting for. Watch me tell grandmum, mom and dad about my day.

Friday, March 16, 2007

5th tooth!

I'm growing a new tooth. My 5th one! it's beside my front tooth. Grrr! I just want to bite everything...

I love the song "Tonight you're mine" by 7 shots. It's my lullaby. :) Grandmum uses it to let me sleep. Thank you Grandmum! I enjoyed talking and playing with you during your stay here with me. Remember, toot toot toot toot toot....door closing!!! Hahahaha!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Trip to Clarke Quay

Yesterday we had dinner in Jumbo seafood. It's a restaurant by the river. I ate hongkong noodles and fried rice and my cereal.

I saw the gmax giant bungee!

I also went to mass in Novena for my grandma Liza, because it was her bday yesterday. I was looking at the baby behind me who was sleeping. I was tapping my hand on the pew, and the baby woke up! Hahahah! He cried and cried. Sorry for waking you baby! hahaha...

I want to talk

I want to join the conversation! I want to talk. Daddy took a video of me. I have to upload it tomorrow :D

2 more teeth!

I can see 2 more of my teeth growing from my gums. They are below my 2 teeth now. I look like spongebob squarepants with my 2 big teeth. . .

I like watching the people come and go from our living room window. i'm like a security guard!

I like eating my banana rusks and gerber banana stars. I can eat ice cream, tinola, pasta with tomato sauce, garlic bread, french fries, and nilaga.

I can't eat strawberries, honey and nuts yet :c

Maybe after my birthday! See you all soon on my birthday!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

trip to Sentosa

My Grandmum is here! We took a trip to Vivo city and Sentosa on the new monorail :) We get around with BMW (bus, mrt, walk) hahaha!

We ate at Crystal Jade Garden at Shaw House for some duck.

I have some pictures of our trip and one of my daddy walking on water!

I have to upload them soon...

I don't like it when mommy and daddy bring me to Ikea. There is nothing to see there for me. I just like eating some hotdog sandwich bread after ;)

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Tousled look

This is my 'just woke up' hair. I just woke up and we had to go to mass already. Here we are taking the bus at delfi orchard.