Thursday, June 07, 2007

Only 1 week to go!

I'm so excited to see everyone and celebrate!

Monday, June 04, 2007

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Other site and more pics

Fever free!

I'm glad that I am better now. I had dengue for the last week! I had a high fever for three days starting last saturday. It was hard to sleep because I felt really hot and I was sweating a lot, but mommy and daddy stayed up all night, cooling me down with a damp towel. That made me sleep better. Plus, they gave me medicine and lots of water even while I was asleep.

In the day time though, I felt that I wasn't sick, because I still wanted to play and I was still eating like I normally do.

I had to have 4 blood tests this past week. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday my fingers were pricked :C It hurt. But mommy says that I was very brave because I didn't cry that much.

I also visited KK hospital. I don't like drinking my Dhamol , but it made my fever go away. I like grape Pedialyte though.

After the 3rd day of fever, I finally was able to sleep well because the fever was gone! Although I woke up with rashes, I felt better. By friday, I was feeling back to my old self - no rashes anymore! The doctor said I was dengue free!

Here is a pic of my rashes...