Monday, December 10, 2007

Was Dat?!?

My favortie phrase now is : "Wasdat?!?"

I speak in sentences now, saying things like:

"I like that."

"I get daddy's shirt."

"Elisha's toes stepping remote."

"It's ice cream."

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Dora and Boots Live Best Friend's Day

We went to watch the Dora Show at United Square last Friday. I sat upfront just inches away from the stage :)

At first, I was covering my ears because the music was so loud! Then when Dora, the map and Boots came out, I recognized the songs and started dancing. :)

Above are the pictures from the show, and some pictures of the Spongebob show after.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

I can construct sentences

Chab is spinning around and around playing. She says:

"Pinning!" (spinning)

"I'm dizzy."

"West." (rest)

And rests her head on the couch. :)

Chab is playing with her small round mylar ballon of Elmo, throwing it up in the air. She says:

"Catch it"

"Throw it"

"Throw Angmo (Elmo)."


After she does this for a few minutes, she says:

"It's so Fun!!"


She can construct sentences already and use the appropriate word for her situation! At 17 months :)

Monday, December 03, 2007

What are you doing?

Elisha reaches for the basket and scatters the contents on the floor.

Memi sees her squatting down beside the mess, thinking that she might have eaten one of the small things.

Memi: "What are you doing?"

Chab: "Pooping!"