Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Chab talking to herself

"I want to duggle (juggle)."

"Doctor said.... I'm a doctor..."


"Let's make our own mep."

"I'm going to playgound"

"I will put the ball here"

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Walking down the street

This year, I'm doing a lot of walking. Sometimes I just like to jump off the stroller, or maybe not bring it at all.

Here I am walking down the sidewalk going home from mass.

Chab goes to karaoke

Here is the title

Let's sing

Friday, January 18, 2008

"MEME! I WATCH DORA!!!", chab shouts


I'm addicted to watching dora and nenen all day.

I can count to 12! wan, two, twee, fo, five, six, seben, eight, nine, ten, angeven, twelve!

I can sing along with the songs, old macdonald, twinkle twinkle little star, little peter rabbit, happy birthday, london bridge, are you sleeping, the wheels of the bus, abc, etc.

I rode the MRT and I saw a bar to hang on and I hugged it and said, "I love you bar!".

Saturday, January 05, 2008

18 months, a big girl now

Holiday in Manila

Mastering making sentences, Chab mostly speaks in complete sentences now.

She can jump with 2 feet off the floor for the first time!

She has moments where she is super kulit! Just like her "drunk" episode at Omakase on Memi's bday. See the video where she wants to "Cheers" with everyone at the table.

She ordered ice cream from the waiter at 1 and a half years old! She tapped the waiter who was behind her and said, "One ice cream, please!"

Our holiday spent in Manila was the first time Chab met and lived with so many people at one time, and she was able to memorize and recall all their names.

Chab's version - Their names
Dandad - Grandad
Namum - Grandmum
Ngongo - Lolo Nards
Ninang Kat - Kat
Tita Jec - Jessica
Toto Doey - Joey
Tito Bobby - tito bobby
Tita Pinky - tita pinky
titipia - Pia
Tita gin - Regine
Ngonga - Lola Liza or Lola mila

Now that she is thinking and talking a lot, Memi and Dadi have to start giving her more to learn while at the same time, teaching her the right things she can use for everyday :)

Some things she says now:

Bayooooooott!! Ponoy... (Balot, penoy)

Tahoooo!!! (taho)

tab's (chab's) riding the car.

Daddy's driving the car.

It's moving. when the car is moving

Where's elisha's water?

Ninang Kat is ready na. (as she saw kat dressed up going down the stairs)

I want banggo! (i want mango). She then follows this with... Or banana!

I ngongike (don't like) the foggy fog. (dora episode)

Open the pesents! (presents).

I'm a princess. I want a princess dress.

I ngove it. (i love it) - said after opening a present. it was pj's.

I ngike it. (i like it) - said after eating something she likes, like chocolate, cookies or broccolli.

I forgot to sing. - said after she played her toy piano.

Turn on the ngite. (light)

It's sleeping time.

Engisha swim. Engisha walk.

Come here, come here.
-said when she wanted to call the dogs

I ngongike. ( i don't like)

I run the grass. (I run on the grass.)

Do you see the clouds? I found it.

She can sing Jingle Bells, and Feliz Navidad. After watching a Dora episode, she can also sing Feliz Compleanos.

She sang "Big Girls Don't Cry" at a KTV bar at TimeZone. See the video.

Raises her voice, and repeats what she is saying, if she knows she is not being paid attention to.

Can sort simple shapes and put them in their proper hole.

She likes bags, wears them and says, "I'm going to school."

Enjoyed going crazy at the toy store last Christmas.