Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Immunization schedule for chab

Look here

Bishan Park 1

This afternoon, we went to visit Bishan Park for the first time. I loved playing in the grass and running around by myself. There was a lake with turtles and I liked crossing the red bridge.


memi and chab red bridge



Here are some more pics.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Vivo playtime

littlechab rides the train

Here I am on the way to Vivo City on the purple line.

Vivo playtime

Playtime! It's hot!!!

look here


Chinese new year lion dance

Ugh! I hate the drums on Chinese new year. I'm always scared because it's so loud!

I did like getting a shiny new coin, though.

And, I wondered what the lions wrote on the floor with the orange wedges.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Shoe shopping

Last Sunday, Daddy, Memi and I went shopping. We went to Great World City and Marina Square. I got my first pair of sneakers! I ngove it! I've been wearing them everywhere for 2 days now.

I wear them to the grocery, playground and when I am out for walks.

Thank you Daddy and Memi!

Friday, February 01, 2008

Chab talks

Elisha knocking at the door...
"Daddy...Get memi's nenen.."

After pooping, Elisha says...
"Daddy said, BAHO!"

At the playground..
"Katharina...where are you? Elisha is here!"

While eating pancakes yaya made with banana in them
"I don't like the banana flavor."

After eating corn chips and salsa at Margarita's mexican restaurant...
"You member the spicy? You dip it, you get it, you eat it?"
