Saturday, August 30, 2008

Chab update - August 2008

I got another bangs haircut from Memi yesterday and this time I was really awake with no distractions except for the TV. I might be ready for a real haircut!

Dadi got me a pet goldfish the day before yesterday. I call her Dorfy, after Elmo's pet fish, Dorothy. I feed her every morning. :)

Happy Birthday Tito Odari!!! :*

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Smarty Pants

Chab seems to be watching too much Looney Tunes lately, and starts taking after Daffy Duck.

Memi: "Here's your milk."

Chab: "No." [she thinks for a moment and says] "Surrender? Never!!!"

She also likes saying, mine, mine, mine a lot now...


Daddy turns on the playstation to play a game..

Chab: There he goes again...

Chab goes to McDonalds with Grandmum

Grandmum: Chab do you like fries?

Chab: No, no, thank you.

Tito Joe: How about apple pie?

Chab: Neither.

Chab feeds her pet fish, Dorfy.

Chab: "Give it a try Dorfy. Eat your Nerds, Dorfy."
[fish food looks like Nerds candy]

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My Famous Replies

I like to reply to any of your questions with different phrases, that I change from time to time. Here is some of the ones I've already used:

-I'm sure.

-It could be so.

-No. No, thank you.

And, currently I am using


(Even if I'm speaking to a girl)