Friday, April 17, 2009

Addicted to Boowa and Kwala

I love playing Boowa and Kwala all day. I've been doing this for a week now. Nevermind that I am only 2 and can play on the laptop for hours. Oh, my poor eyesight... I have to go outdoors soon.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Chab's story

Chab reading an empty book after having her bath:

"One day there was a beautiful seradactil (pterodactyl) who lived with her Memi seradactil. And then came Daddy seradactil and they were happy. Then there was Lolo seradactil and Granma seradactil and Grandad seradactil and they were great! Chab seradactil liked pizza. Then they all went home and lived happily ever after. The end."

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Learning and Growing

Yesterday I craved buchi, so today we went to lunch in North Park and I LOVED it! Yum, yum! I did a dance when the buchi arrived and I smiled the biggest smile and I rubbed my tummy. :)

I recently bought a "learn to write" activity book. Now I can draw circles, squares and triangles. I'm still trying to follow the dots on my book, but I'm getting there. Memi says it's very early for me to start writing letters, but my book is fun and there is no harm in learning, right Dado? :)

Dado taught me how to use the mouse on the laptop today. :) I'm so glad I learned! I love Boowa and Kwala and now, I can play the games by myself! :D Memi has a video of me playing the game. Enjoy watching it, once she uploads it. :) I loved playing, I think I played for one whole hour! I'm proud of myself and Memi and Dado are proud of me too.