Friday, April 08, 2011

Elisha is big at 4

I'm so proud of my little girl. She has made many big steps this year.

-going to school for the first time. even though it's homeschool, they have a bi-monthly playgroup with other homeschooled kids. She really grew a lot from interaction with the kids. She was shy at first, but then now introduces herself to others. Sometimes she is the one to approach them! :)
-putting on her clothes by herself including shoes! Putting on shoes was a big struggle for us, since she always refused to do it, but now she does it happily.
-taking a shower! She hates hates bath time, but now she jumps in when Cole is taking his bath, and that's when she first took a bath by herself. Of course I was in the room with her still.
-having her first day at football school with futbol funatics. She was so good! I was so happy and scared for her. She surprised me at how good she was. I am REALLY proud! :)
-going to sleep by herself is also a big step. She always waits for me to get in bed with her and write on her back, but now she can drift off by herself :)