Friday, July 28, 2006

Doctor's appointment tomorrow!

Aww, mannn!! I have to see my doctor tomorrow. I like going to see him except that I know I'm getting my 2nd shot for Hep and I didn't like the first one. Mommy says it'll be alright.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Looking back

This is me when I first got home. Posted by Picasa

This is me now. I grew another chin!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Lav and I

Lav is my purple friend. She and I like to hang out and sing karaoke tunes. It's my turn here... Posted by Picasa

New Friends

Meet my new friends. M red and M yellow! They just arrived today. Here we are hanging out.

This is my purple friend. She is as big as I am! Posted by Picasa


Rollin' in my new ride. My first stroll around the house.

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Really hungry

This is what I look like when I eat, and I'm really hungry. I like to hold my fists up to my big cheeks and straighten my legs and curl my toes.

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Weird shots

This is the back of my head...
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My british friend

When I'm feeling blue, I hug my friend Lester. He came all the way from the UK for me.

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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Monday, July 17, 2006

Grandad and Granmum

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Me and mah dad chillin out!

Watching the tube

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Drunk on Milk

Aww, maann!! I had too much to drink, Mom!

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I need a suntan

Don't I look like I'm relaxing on the beach? Posted by Picasa

My shocked face

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Sunday, July 16, 2006

june bean

Daddy calls me bean, because I look like a jellybean all wrapped up. Posted by Picasa


Mom and I went outside for some afternoon sun. We saw our neighbor Marissa. Yaya Michelle took our picture.  Posted by Picasa

I'm one month old!!!

I am one month old here. Mommy dressed me in a pink dress. I am getting bigger everyday!


I was able to fall asleep on my own in my crib on July 14.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Look at me!

C'mere I wanna talk to you!

Rude Awakening

This is my "I hate you, you woke me up!!!" face...I hate it when Mom & Dad wakes me in the middle of the afternoon for my bath...arrgh :P

Hand in hand

My hand in mom's