Monday, September 04, 2006

2 month and a half milestones

I get tickled on my neck and the soles of my feet. I like to make raspberries when I'm bored. I can laugh and smile. I like to talk especially when mommy talks to me. I like to wake daddy up around 10am and stare at him with my big eyes!

Yesterday, I had my first outing. Mommy and daddy brought me to mass, but I was so sleepy I slept through it.

Then, we went to Tita Kat's birthday at Burger King. There were lots of loud people there. I wore a party hat for the first time. :-) I had my own special drink

Mommy and daddy gave me a rattle last Saturday. I like the sound of it and I like watching the little colored balls move around. It calms me down when I feel like crying.

Mommy says I look like Chilly Willy

1 comment:

Unknown said...

aaaahahahahahahhahaha!!! i cant believe u even remember that cartoon well enuff to think that she looks like him but SHE DOES!!!! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!! da big eyes and big cheeks! CHILLY WILLY!!! harharhahrharharhahrharhar!!!!