Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Song of the moment

'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
I don't know when I'll be back again
Oh, babe, I hate to go...

Recognize it?
(click on the image if you want to download the music)

Wah, no more toys for now. :c Most of them are packed up. Soon , I'll have no high chair and crib! But just for a little while. :)

Sunday, January 28, 2007

My Krispy Kreme Adventure

It was a windy night out in the Fort, when Tita Jessica, Mommy and I went for a stroll to Krispy Kreme. Grandmom went to Market! Market!...

There was a short line, and while waiting I could see the donuts being made. Tita Jessica bought us 6 original recipe donuts. :D Mommy tried picking up the donuts but they were so soft and melted in her mouth when she ate them. I even tried them. Look at my picture! I licked the sugar and bit some of the soft donut off(1st picture). :D Yumm!!! (2nd picture)

They even gave me a hat! Look at me in my Krispy Kreme hat posing with my donut box :D

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Come rain, come shine

My favorite song...

"Come Rain Come Shine"

Unsuspecting, the way you cross my mind
Who could've known you'd be so real
But unrelenting, the grip that lives around you, give me a sign
So I can rescue you, and save the day, yeah

Bring in the rain, bring in the shine
Let it go stop wasting time, I'm calling out to you
And don't chase the sun, don't race the sky
Let it go stop wasting time
And I'm calling out to you

I'm calling out to you
Fascinating, how moments feel sublime
Seems like I'm glowing when you're near
But unavailing, when you pay no mind or you're twisting every other line
Baby say the words I'll rescue you and make you mine

I'm calling out to you

Come rain come shine, stop wasting time
Come rain come shine, you will be mine
Come rain come shine, stop wasting time
Come rain come shine, you will be mine

[Chorus x2]
I'm calling out to you

by Tata Young

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Time to eat!

Yum! I love eating time. I get to sit in my high chair and enjoy yummy food. I can also play with my toys while waiting for the food to be served. This is my 'yum' face.
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Up, up and away

Pretty soon I'll look like this on take off.
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Keeping in touch

To all my friends, and family out there,
Don't forget to send me a line.
I'm reading all your emails and comments.
Till next time,
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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

7 months!

I took my 1st mug shot today. I am 7 months old. I had to wear a collar. Weird! It's for my passport. I'll be taking my 1st airplane ride. We're moving to Singapore...

posted my song already.

Saturday, January 13, 2007


Mommy and daddy think that I am left-handed. Maybe!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Interesting sounds

I'm recently into the flute...or anything that sounds high like it...

Friday, January 05, 2007

Bring in the rain, bring in the shine

That's my favorite song now. The theme song of star world...
Click the icon to see the song.