Sunday, January 28, 2007

My Krispy Kreme Adventure

It was a windy night out in the Fort, when Tita Jessica, Mommy and I went for a stroll to Krispy Kreme. Grandmom went to Market! Market!...

There was a short line, and while waiting I could see the donuts being made. Tita Jessica bought us 6 original recipe donuts. :D Mommy tried picking up the donuts but they were so soft and melted in her mouth when she ate them. I even tried them. Look at my picture! I licked the sugar and bit some of the soft donut off(1st picture). :D Yumm!!! (2nd picture)

They even gave me a hat! Look at me in my Krispy Kreme hat posing with my donut box :D


Anonymous said...

how come some of the pictures arent showing>?

Dreamer said...

oh there are only 4 pics...there are other 'pics' that only show up as boxes coz i uploaded the same 4 pics first with picasa but closed the picasa while it was uploading. hehe i forgot. anyway, it got screwed up i think and i cudnt fix it so i just uploaded the 4 pix again with blogger that time.

Anonymous said...
