Sunday, April 29, 2007

Eating out

I eat out a lot now. I went to Mos Burger, Ben and Jerry's, Pastamania, Surf and Turf, and Pepper Lunch. I get to sit in my own high chair every time :)

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

10 months!

I just learned how to clap yesterday! I learned it just before going to sleep. I had so much fun clapping, I was laughing. I tried clapping sitting down, standing up, and laying down!

I can say "ruff!", when my mom or dad asks what does the dog say.

I can give a high 5, when mom or dad says, 1, 2, 3, 4..... high 5!

I can nod Yes, when mom says "ah.....YES!"

I can wave HI and BYE.

i had some weird nicknames: happy feet, and permanent clown (when we stayed at treetops)

Saturday, April 14, 2007


I can nod "yes" now! When mommy says "yes" I nod!

I also like to throw my toys at the back of the couch near the window.

My system for examining objects is flip, flip, flip, scratch, drop! pick up, turn, flip, eat!

I can wave bye and hi now. I also know how to hi-5! when mommy says 1, 2, 3, 4...! I put my hand up for the hi-5!

My favorite game is peek-a-boo. I love dancing (which is mostly jumping up and down, and changing my footwork) and I try to sing a long to the song also, when I like it.

I also just learned how to kiss :) when mommy says kiss mommy, or kiss daddy :)

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Almost my birthday!

Help me plan for my birthday! Where can I have it? Any suggestions? Maybe we can have a Dora the explorer theme or Wonder Pets!



Thursday, April 05, 2007

Look at me eating my biscuits!

9 months, things I can say

I can make many sounds. I can say 'bab', ffffff, pap, da da (yesterday when daddy came home I saw him and said DA DA!). I can make monster sounds too!

I'm teething and drooling all over the place! I like to bite the couch while looking out the window, or looking at the floor. My favorite thing is to look at the taxis go by and watch everyone who passes through the guard house.

I don't like baby food much anymore. Now that I have teeth, I like to eat bits of real food of whatever mommy and daddy are eating. I don't like purees much anymore.

I like to dance to Hi-5's songs on Nickelodeon and the opening song of Dora the Explorer.

I love eating oreos and marabou chocolates. Chocolate drips down my face whenever I eat it, because i always bite off such a big piece!

Monday, April 02, 2007

the food bounce

I like to bounce up and down if i like the food i'm eating. watch this!

Say PAP!

Op-op!! Trying to stand at 9 months

Watch me trying to stand!

Holding her spoon 8th month

Let's eat! i love eating, especially mommy and daddy's food! hahahah!

No teether?

I like to bite everything including my crib, mommy's shoulder, all my toys, and this bottle cover!