Thursday, August 02, 2007

You say potato, I say a-to-pa-to!

I can talk! I can talk! I say atopato for potato. I said it in the taxi all the way home until i fell asleep :)

You say vegetables, I say "budja-budja-budja-bols!"

You say potato, I say "a-to-pa-to!"
You say pasta, I say, "ta-pas"
You say cup, I say, "up-c"
but I know how to say cup now :)

I can name many things now. I can say the words for most of the things in my abc book. I say apple, ball, cake, doll, kite, ice cream, nuts, pail, rattle, shoes, umbrella, and watch. The rest of the pictures, I sign.

I climbed up a slide for the first time today :)

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