Saturday, September 22, 2007

15 months

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I am 15 months old now :) I can ride my ice cream cart and push it forward with my feet while riding all by myself. :) I can blow a whistle and climb up the couch without help.

I can talk and laugh with you and feel sad if you are sad. I can express feelings of frustration (tantrums!), fear, excitement and happiness.

I love going outside now and exploring.

I can say borrow and eeewww (when I first touched sand). I like helping out mopping and pretending to talk on the phone like daddy. I don't like to sit in my stroller the whole time that we are in the grocery. Sometimes I like to help put things in the grocery cart. :)

My favorite toys are 'baking-baking' (a spoon and a cup to practice mixing), and an empty bubble bottle during my bath.

I like to experiment to see what reaction I get. I try shouting, pinching, dancing and asking for applause. (cap!)

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Sunday, September 16, 2007

My "just woke up" hair

Wanna see me after I just woke up?? Click on the pictures to make them stop and grow bigger.

Having a fever

I'm having a slight fever right now. Memi and Dade think it might be because of my teeth. I am growing 3 at the same time right now, ow. Sacket (sakit).

It started yesterday around 5pm at 38.3 degrees C. Got worse at night at bedtime, so I went to bed early.

"Memi, milk."

Took my paracetamol at 230am 38.9 degrees. I call my medicine kenni (candy).

Woke up with a 37.2 temperature :)

Also, I went swimming yesterday... Before I got sick of course. :) Here are some of my pictures

Friday, September 14, 2007

Using phrases

Memi covered my face with my towel. I said, "I can't see, I can't see", but actually it sounded more like: aykensi aykensi :) hehehe

Thursday, September 13, 2007

My Christmas Wishlist

Hi Ninongs, Ninangs and everyone!

Here is my Christmas wish list :)

1. Potty
2. My size Chair/Sofa
3. Xylophone
4. Metal spoon and fork with case
5. Pais/pants
6. Slipper socks
7. A sun hat that fits
8. Musical toys
9. Baking baking (hahahah), cooking set or tea set
10. Mug with 2 handles
11. Hi-5 DVD (Dora or Go Diego Go or Lazy town)
12. Pull toy or push toy
13. Rocker/rocking horse
14. tricycle/car
15. hammer in shapes toy
16. crayola toddler crayons pack of 3
17. sand bucket with tools
18. kitchen set
19. wood toys

More to come


Say shampoo.



I say "I'll get, I'll get, I'll get it"

Say ketchup

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Saying phrases

I can say many phrases now like:

g'der - go there
g'der basil - go to the basil
put der - put there (when i put my sippy cup in the cup hole in my tray on the high chair)
memi, more caders - mommy more crackers
werdit - where is it?

I also changed saying "milk" to the word "milka" :) I can kiss with sound. :) LOOK!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Say Alfalfa

My simple dance

This is my simple dance

Monday, September 10, 2007

Almost 15 months

I'm learning and growing everyday. I can now ride my push kart on my own and kick to make it go. Only, it goes backwards, haha.

I also have a bunch of new words:

abeesee - abc

achoo - achoo!

a-pah - oprah, when i see oprah on tv :)

a-phat - elephant (i can say it now, i just use the sign some times)

a-side - otherside. when i want to drink milk from mommy from the otherside :)

awrid - i read. i say this when i want to read a booook

ayaw/no - no, when i don't like something, i know how to use this word when i need to.

babye - bye

bite - bite

bite - when I want to bite what you are eating

cadoot - carrot

caman - c'mon, or let's go

daddy - i call and say daddy now, not dade anymore.

fit it /i fit it - when i want to put stuff in a jar or my toy house

foik - fork

giv - give. when I give you something

hiding - hiding

hoise - horse; when i want to ride on your back and play horse

i know - i know

i-rinse - i rinse, when i see the tabo i use for taking a bath

i-sim - i swim. when i say this i hold on to the door and also say gadown!

kiky - sticky. when I get a sticker/food stuck on my fingers

milk - milk. i can say the whole word now and not just 'ilk' :)

Mino - Milo

paygound - playground. i want to go to the playground

pin /pining- spin/ spinning

seilf - self. when i brush my teeth by myself

sit - sit / i sit

soap - i can say soap now and not poas, but my shampoo is still shapoom (not pasham anymore)

the/a - i use articles like "the top" or "a car"

wee wee - when I wee wee/pee. i was able to say wee wee just before peeing in my tub :)

yaimmy - yummy ( i don't use the sign anymore)

yaya - yaya

I don't like to use my plastic spoon and fork now. I won't eat from it anymore. I'm a bee guh (that's big girl). I like to use a small metal spoon and fork now.

I have 3 new teeth growing. One on the right side of my 2 bottom teeth, and my 2 molars on my bottom gums :)

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Allergies and spots spots spots

I was having red spots that turned white in the middle, that were so itchy! I might be allergic to something I ate last Monday and Tuesday... Maybe it's peanuts or the air...I'm not sure yet. But it might be the peanuts...or too much pork...

I went to the doctor on Wednesday for a check up and he gave me some cream and syrup for my itching. I call it kenni (candy). :)

I weighed myself in the clinic and I was 9.3 kg.

I feel better now and I don't have my red spots anymore thanks to the medicine :) Yay!