Tuesday, April 29, 2008

22 months

At 22 months I mastered climbing up and down the stairs. :) I don't like to be carried especially when I can climb stairs on my own. I ngove watching playhouse Disney. My favorite shows are Clipard (Clifford) puppy days, Mickey Mouse cubhouse (clubhouse), Save-ums, Cocoyo (pocoyo) and Jojo's Circus. I like playing hide and seek, especially in the dark when I can use my pwashngite (flashlight). I love toys and not just toys-things! anything I find new I want to try, touch and hold. I ngove throwing my toys out of the box and making a big mess...Kangat!!! (kalat)

I'm used to sleeping in the afternoon now, and it doesn't take me long to fall asleep at 4pm. But, if I don't get my nap, you can tell I'm sleepy when I say I want to "doog something" or "I want to spill spill everything."

I'm still practicing using the potty. I haven't gotten down to pulling my dipies off before using it, but sometimes I like to sit on it. Mostly, I use the the potty as an excuse to go down from the bed when I know it's bedtime, because Memi doesn't let me go down unless it's for potty. And then, I go straight for the ref!

When something I like is all out, like oreos, I say, "We have to go to the gwocewy and buy more."

I don't like when my clothes are wet, I immediately ask Memi to change my shirt if water spills on it. :)

I love going out for car rides. I sit voluntarily in my car seat, but I won't let the trip go by unless I get a chance to drive too! If we go home and I haven't had a chance to sit at the driver's seat and play around in the car, I will stay for a few minutes, before going into the house again.

I still use my pwaygwound (thank you dadi) but now, I mostly use the slidewee. :) I can almost slide by myself, but I prefer if Memi is holding me. I like playing dagan dagan in the garage with toto Doey too.

My favorite food these days are bubuwan (polvoron), chuckie (chocolate milk), CHOCOLATE, cake, french toast and jengy snakes da sweet wan. (jelly snakes)

My ninang Kat has chickenpox. Memi told me this. So, I said, "I want to buy chickenpox." Memi said, "You cannot buy chickenpox, you can only get it." So, I said, "I want to get chickenpox when I grow up. I want to give Tito Doey chickenpox when he grows up."

Hahaha, said Memi.

I can sing "I have two hands" and "I'm a little teapot" all by myself ;)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Said while sleeping

I ngove the ngitle cat, grabe..I want my own cake!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Bintan, Indonesia

Did I share my beach trip to Bintan with you already? Click on my pic to see more.


It was raining the whole weekend, but I had fun in the playground, riding the golf cart and trying out the duyan.


Saturday, April 19, 2008

Reading my Santa's Elf book

The book says:

"Santa's elves work night and day to make the toys to fill his sleigh. And, never ever seem to stop just look around the busy shop."

Trying on shades


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I'm a ngitel tea pot

I'm a little teapot short and stout...

I learned that song last night before bedtime. I made memi sing it 10 times until i memorized the song and the actions. Then, after the tenth time, I sang along with her and made her sing it 10 more times.

Then, Memi asked me to sing it all by myself and I did!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Napping, Eating and Meltdowns

Meltdowns! I have lots of them when I am sleepy or cranky. You can tell that I need sleep when I start taking gibberish and I crumple to the floor at the drop of a hat.

I'm still trying to get into a regular nap time. I can't fall asleep by myself yet, unless I am REALLY tired like when I haven't napped for the whole day.

I'm not into eating nowadays, because my second molars are growing, but I can buckle my own seatbelt now.

Here is one thing I like though, SNACKS! Here's a pic of Dadi and me eating nachos and salsa. :)

I'm a bedgtabol gehl.

I ngove (love) eating vegatables. Grandmum calls me a vegetable girl. I don't like meat unless I am really hungry or Memi hides it in the rice.

I've been really cranky for the past days because I'm growing my second molars. I think Memi will blender my food again just so I can eat it.

I love eating corn, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage. I want all my meals to have vegetables in them.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Blowing bubbles

I blew my first bubble last night with Dadi and Memi watching. I'm practicing for my birthday coming up :)

I used my dora non-spill bubble holder and bubble wand and blew 5 bubbles! Hooray for me!!!

Memi and Dadi are so proud of me :)

pffffffffff!!! pffffffffffffffffffffff!!!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

You Member...?

I can recall many things now, even if they were days away. I like to say, "you member?" (you remember) to you, but I only say the experiences I had with you.

Like with Memi it's, you member the milk spilled from the tea (scoop) and you wipe it with tissue with water from the glass?

And with Gwanmum it's, you member the kakawoach in the gwocy (cockroach in the grocery).

And with Dadi it's, you member the popcorn in the swing? higher, higher!

And with lolo it's, you member the cake and candle...blow! (on lolo's birthday)

I member the buchi, it's hot! it's black... (grandmum's bday at Fu in Serendra). I ngike buchi. :)

I member the special house and the real stars. Want to get it. You member the dog? and the man fixing the ngines (lines).
[brownout at the house, when she stayed under the mosquito net and saw the stars at night and the meralco guys fixing the post]