Friday, May 23, 2008

23 months, full of surprises

Chab eating breakfast, with tito Joey playing with her...

Chab: Uuuhhh! (Tito Joey eat also)

Tito Joey: Ok.

Tito Joey gets an empty bowl and spoon and pretends to eat in front of Chab.

Chab: Aaaahh!!!! Fake!!!


I say many surprising things now. Memi, and my family are so amazed. I can fix small things like when pieces of my toys come off, I can put it back on my own. I love drawing with my crayons. I notice all the details, especially when riding in the car seeing all the sites. I know when we are almost to the grocery or to my play gym Activefun.

I have my own name for SM/or the mall - it's ikay-ikay. I dunno, I just made that one up. Memi likes it. I also made up words like bugga bugga, and honkey donkey. Another word I made up is poo poo stick - that means pogo stick.

My favorite food nowadays is cake! I have to have cake once a week or just before sleeping, whichever Memi will allow. :)

I'm noticing that it's almost my birthday and I know the place that I am going to have it. I started looking at lootbags, and tasting LOTS of cake. I love taste testing cotton candy and popcorn too! ;) I'm excited for my birthday. I hope that I can blow out the candles on my birthday cake, that's why I'm already practicing.

I know and use words like gravity, stethoscope, paparazzi and heart pressure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

paparazzi!!! ;D nyahahahahah! i wonder if she feels like she has paparazzi with all the pix and video of her? ;p wehehehe... maybe she calls sm ikay ikay like ukay ukay? cuz in the ukay u shop for cheap stuff right? :o) hahaha, i dunno.. she's so funny! aaahhh! fake!! LOLz