Monday, July 21, 2008

25 months

I'm in my 'NO' phase. I say "Naaahh!!" to everything anyone suggests.

Mem: "Milkee time!"

Chab: "Nah!"

Dadi: "Sleepy time!"

Chab: "Nah!"

Dadi: "Eating time!"

Chab: "Naaahhh!!"

Also, I'm loving the Little Einsteins right now. I have 10 episodes I watch over and over. I can't get enough! I watch it, when I wake up, and after lunch, and during dinner, before sleeping and in between everything I do! I like Annie the best. I'm Annie. I assigned Dadi to be Quincy and Mem to be June. I like singing all Annie's parts while putting one hand on my chest and the other one up in the air.

Some habits of my habits right now are putting up my feet [or else I can't sleep], grinding my teeth [ I do this when I get new teeth], and jumping on the bed.

I stopped using a sippy cup already for meal time and switched to a normal 'big-girl' glass. Sometimes, when we eat out, and they don't have a high chair, I just sit in the 'big-girl's' chair and eat by myself if I can.

Monday, July 14, 2008

chab said

memi, can you stop computering

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Chab used to say

Chab used to say,

"Magazine, I read."

if she wanted to read.

Now, she says, "Memi, can you read me a story, the one of Martin and the spots?"

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Chabby and Dadi time

Last night I had 'chabby and dadi time'. It was fun. We opened the toy box and spill, spilled all the toys on the floor. Like I always say, "Speeeelll, I want to speeeeellll, speeeelll all the toys!"

Dadi and I played with my new toys from my birthday party, then, we read my favorite Little Einstein book together on the floor. Dadi was lying down on the floor on his back, and I was lying down on top of Dadi looking up at the ceiling while we read the book. :) I made him read it to me 4 times. :)

Later, Dadi got an idea. We took the red permanent maker and painted my toe nails. At first I didn't want to, but when Dadi said, your turn first, then me, I agreed. Hahahahahaha! :)

First time in the rain

It was my first time to take a bath in the rain last week. At first, I just watched from under the roof and I was afraid to go out. But, Dadi said it was ok and even got a paper boat for me to float in the little flood at the side of the house. After I put on my havaianas, I jumped in the puddles on the floor with Grandmum. It was fun! Dadi took my video. I was soaking wet! I [fake] cried when my paper boats sank.