Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I Love Buchi!

I love buchi! At the end of my meal at Fu, Serendra I ordered one from the waiter. :) It was my 3rd time there. :)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

1st time successful

I've been trying to use the potty for a while now ever since March. At first, I was afraid of it and didn't want to go near it. After a month, I learned to sit on it and pretend, but I still had my pants on. When Memi asked if I wanted to use the potty I said, "NO!".

After a while, I learned to recognize when I needed to pee. So, I would tell Memi that I need to pee, but didn't make it to the potty. Then, one day, I did it! I peed in the potty! Yay! My first time! And, there was a second time too!

I forgot about using the potty after that. Not until this month did I start using the potty again. Memi said if I did, I would get my favorite candy, strawberry Sugus. 1 candy for peeing and 2 candies for pooping. I did a couple of wee-wees. I know it's coming because I always feel hot there... :) haha..

No success for pooping yet though.

Today, I felt hot and I told Mem. I sat on the potty for a while...then Memi said, if I poo in the potty I'll get 3 candies! After a few tries - my first POOP! Hooray!

I got my 4 candies! (because I peed too). I'm so proud of me.

And Memi is too. :)

Are you proud of me Dadi? :)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Monday Fun in the Park

Today, Mem, Tito Joe and I went to Heritage to visit Lola Liza at 4pm.

I got to fly a kite all by myself for the first time today! :) Yay! It was flying high and it dipped to the right. and to the left when I pulled the string up and down, up and down. :)

I ran around the grass and we had a small picnic with Cheetos, marshmallows and eggnog cookies. I tried shouting while a big marshmallow was in my mouth, but all that came out was, "uuuurrrhhh!".

We all ran down the hill when I let go of the kite string! We chased the kite down the hill and I spilled my cookies :c because I was holding them while running.

I brought my little tykes trike, but it wouldn't roll down the grassy hill, so Tito Joe tried pushing me. Weee! We were moving. Then, Tito Joe made it go faster, the wheels weren't turning that well, because the grass was thick, and it toppled over! I fell into the grass face-forward and Tito Joe tumbled over me in the air and down the hill!!! Yahhhh!

When I got up, there was grass in my mouth! Wah! Gross. Memi gave me some water and a hug so that I would feel better. I wasn't hurt, because the grass was soft, but it sure was prickly!
Still, after everything, I got on my bike once more to try again, this time slower, because you have to get up and try again even if you do fall down. :)

A good hour of the day well spent.

Before, going I did the sign of the cross, and prayed for Lola. I said, "I miss you so much, Lola."

I waved goodbye from my carseat window. Bye Lola! ;)

Same hair

Monday, September 01, 2008

My 1st VTR at 24 months old

This was my first VTR. I was 24 months old here. Came along with Tito Botchok and cousins Kiana and Kaiel for VTRs at 2 agencies :)

Just Plain Ice Cream Please

Grandad: Elisha, do you want ice cream?

Chab: No, not yet..

Grandad: Do you want ice cream with strawberry syrup?

Chab: Eh! I don't want blood.

Grandad: Do you want ice cream with nuts?

Chab: That's for squirrels!

Grandad: How about honey? Do you like honey?

Chab: Eh! I'm not Pooh Bear!

