Tuesday, September 16, 2008

1st time successful

I've been trying to use the potty for a while now ever since March. At first, I was afraid of it and didn't want to go near it. After a month, I learned to sit on it and pretend, but I still had my pants on. When Memi asked if I wanted to use the potty I said, "NO!".

After a while, I learned to recognize when I needed to pee. So, I would tell Memi that I need to pee, but didn't make it to the potty. Then, one day, I did it! I peed in the potty! Yay! My first time! And, there was a second time too!

I forgot about using the potty after that. Not until this month did I start using the potty again. Memi said if I did, I would get my favorite candy, strawberry Sugus. 1 candy for peeing and 2 candies for pooping. I did a couple of wee-wees. I know it's coming because I always feel hot there... :) haha..

No success for pooping yet though.

Today, I felt hot and I told Mem. I sat on the potty for a while...then Memi said, if I poo in the potty I'll get 3 candies! After a few tries - my first POOP! Hooray!

I got my 4 candies! (because I peed too). I'm so proud of me.

And Memi is too. :)

Are you proud of me Dadi? :)


Anonymous said...

lol! in the show jon & kate plus 8, when each of the kids learned to poop in the potty for the first time, kate was so excited that she would take pictures of them next to the potty with their poop in it! nyarharharharhar!

Dreamer said...

Hahaha! I was tempted to take a picture of the "1st poop", but decided against it. :)

No luck yet for a 2nd time ...

Anonymous said...

hahahaha ;p