Saturday, February 21, 2009

Kids say the darnedest things

Memi was pretending to be asleep last night. Chab tries to wake her up by shouting, "Memi! Memi! Memi!"

When that doesn't work, she says, "Someone please adore me."

Who's been watching too much Fairly Odd Parents? :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Chab is currently wishing for:

1. Blue's Clues notebook with the thinking chair on it and the crayon.


Sunday, February 08, 2009

Does your 2-year old say...

1. While watching Tom and Jerry: "Jerry is a spectacular animal."

2. When she is cranky and needs sleep: "But, I don't wanna be good, I wanna be bad."

3. After reading 'From here to Maternity': "I want babies."

4. When I turned off the light in the bathroom: "You wooined (ruined) my bath! You turned off the lights."

What else has Chab told you since she started talking that surprised you? Please leave a comment and share it with the rest of us. :)
