Sunday, February 08, 2009

Does your 2-year old say...

1. While watching Tom and Jerry: "Jerry is a spectacular animal."

2. When she is cranky and needs sleep: "But, I don't wanna be good, I wanna be bad."

3. After reading 'From here to Maternity': "I want babies."

4. When I turned off the light in the bathroom: "You wooined (ruined) my bath! You turned off the lights."

What else has Chab told you since she started talking that surprised you? Please leave a comment and share it with the rest of us. :)



Anonymous said...

hahahaha! spectacular!!! ;p lolz! post new videos! like this guy who filmed his son after he got laughing gas at the dentist: ;p lol!!

Anonymous said...

after memi accidentally hit chab with chopsticks

chab: "You don't hit people with chopsticks!"