Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Chab at 3

Some of the things Chab does now:

*Gave up her stroller to walk, because she is a big girl na.

*When going down an incline while riding her bike, she says, "That's janederous!"

*Likes the 'coldest pillow ever' when sleeping

*Doesn't have to wear diapers during the day anymore.

*Can eat an ice cream cone on her own without spilling.

*Knows how to bargain.
"2 games before I sleep."


"1 game?"

*HAS to eat dessert after meals.

*Is not afraid to walk her dog, Pototot, the sibe.

*Likes to ride her pink princess bike around the village in the afternoons (and mornings, if she would be allowed)

*Has to have orange juice first thing in the morning.

*Loves watching Play School (australia), playing boowa and kwala and nick jr games.

*Likes to do things on her own as much as possible.

*Can go pee by herself without the help of a grown-up (if at home)

*Likes to set the table for meal time

*Can turn on the aircon and night lamp for bedtime

*Loves playing pretend, and drawing.

*Can wash her hands properly like a surgeon, taught by ninang Dr. Kat

*Remembers to take her vitamins at night

*Likes helping Memi roll dough for bread or pasta.

*Likes flat coke without what she calls the 'torot' or the carbonation.

June 16, 2009

My Birthday Photos

We took pictures with the whole family (except Tita Liz and Tito Odari who are in VA), and then we had dinner at CPK. I ate by myself. :)

My paper hat.

Birthday hat

Yummy mango shake!

Picture with Dado.

Picture with Memi
loving my shake

I gotta learn to smile... :O)
3rd birthday at cpk

My puppy Pototot

Here is an old photo of me with my puppy Pototot.


Here we are watching TV


He is much bigger and browner now. He grew big really fast!

Tuesday, August 04, 2009


Since I can't go to the beach...

Chab's impressions

I can imitate a basset hound...

Chab's magic spoon

I told mem I could do it. I can balance a spoon on my nose just like the guy in Tricky TV.