Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Chab at 3

Some of the things Chab does now:

*Gave up her stroller to walk, because she is a big girl na.

*When going down an incline while riding her bike, she says, "That's janederous!"

*Likes the 'coldest pillow ever' when sleeping

*Doesn't have to wear diapers during the day anymore.

*Can eat an ice cream cone on her own without spilling.

*Knows how to bargain.
"2 games before I sleep."


"1 game?"

*HAS to eat dessert after meals.

*Is not afraid to walk her dog, Pototot, the sibe.

*Likes to ride her pink princess bike around the village in the afternoons (and mornings, if she would be allowed)

*Has to have orange juice first thing in the morning.

*Loves watching Play School (australia), playing boowa and kwala and nick jr games.

*Likes to do things on her own as much as possible.

*Can go pee by herself without the help of a grown-up (if at home)

*Likes to set the table for meal time

*Can turn on the aircon and night lamp for bedtime

*Loves playing pretend, and drawing.

*Can wash her hands properly like a surgeon, taught by ninang Dr. Kat

*Remembers to take her vitamins at night

*Likes helping Memi roll dough for bread or pasta.

*Likes flat coke without what she calls the 'torot' or the carbonation.

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