Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy 2007!

Happy New Year, everyone! I watched the fireworks outside while covering my nose with my lampin. There were many bright and big fireworks. It was noisy, too. I only watched for 5 minutes because I started to cough because of the smoke and mommy brought me in the house already.

I had fun! I kept looking around because of all the noise.

I slept late today..1230am :)

Mommy's birthday tomorrow!

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Tinikling, Tinikling!

Tinikling, tinikling...

That's my new dance. Daddy holds me up by the arms and i do a tinikling dance with my feet, toes pointed. Sometimes I do the dance on daddy's chest and he says it hurts coz of my pointed big toe. Hahaha! But I'm just having fun.

I can also do a mean "She ain't nothing but a hound dog" Elvis dance.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Favorite shows

The Wonder Pets, Dora, and Baby Einstein

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Milestones, soon to be 7 months old

I like sleeping on my side now, just like mommy and daddy can. I can move backward n foward and sideways on my belly, and I'm trying to get up on my knees now. In the meantime, I'll continue to practice climbing up my yaya, just like rockclimbing. I have a bit of cold now (my first time to get sick), but I'm still as cheerful as ever. I'm drinking medicine and lots of water, juice, and milk. I'm also eating lots of fruits like apple, orange, pear, and papaya.

I like listening to my favorite song, 'Wonder Pets', from Nick Jr. and playing with my toy piano from auntie Vikki. I love music. Daddy got me a bouncing ball that plays music and makes me go nuts.

That's all for now. Time to rest and get well for tomorrow.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

At 6 months

I'm still waiting for mommy to take my 6 month photo. I can touch my toes now and I tried eating my big toe once. I like to roll all over mommy and daddy's bed. :) I can say 'hi' to mom now when she says 'hi' to me. :)

I like sitting with daddy on the couch while he watches TV. I like putting my feet up. Here is a picture.

I can start eating fruits this week, and in 2 weeks, vegetables! I still eat my rice and wheat.

Friday, December 15, 2006

First Solid Food

I ate my first solid food on December 1, 2006. I was 6 months old on that day. Wheat and milk by Cerelac was what I ate first. I was so excited and I loved the food very much. I've been waiting for food for a while now, and it tastes gooooood!!! :)

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Penguin practice

I was practicing wearing my bib for the big day when I get to eat solid food already. Here was my picture. I'm eating solid food already now like rice and soya, wheat and milk. I'll put my pictures from that day up here soon.


There was a pretty big typhoon last Sept. 28. All the power went out and the wind was blowing really hard. We went to visit tita Ria in her office to get some aircon and sleep. Grandmom was also there for an operation, I remember.

Here is my picture from our stay in the office.

Last Nov. 4

I forgot to tell you about my first trip to the mall. Mommy and Daddy brought me to Mall of Asia. We went around the ice skating rink (not inside), into some clothes shops for mommy, and best of all THE BABY DEPARTMENT!

I wanted to take some pictures too, at the studio, the picture company, but I was just too tired and sleepy from all the excitement! Daddy said next time I'll be able to go when I am not that sleepy. I hope I can go again soon. :)

I also went to SM in Makati the next saturday after my mall of asia trip. I went with Grandmom and grandad and tito Joey (who looks like the guy in Nacho libre...) Hahahah!

Shopping is fun!