Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day

Today is Mother's Day! Or, as I like to call it Memi's day. Dada, Memi, yaya and I went to eat out. We ate at a Japanese restaurant in Chijmes. I don't know what the name is because the sign was in japanese, but there was a nice big white cat near the entrance.

I tried 2 kinds of rice and a shrimp! My first shrimp. My favorite part of the place was playing between memi and dada's chairs. We had to remove our shoes before stepping up to the low table.

I had fun shouting "jijijijijijjijij!!!!", and doing my gigil face at the waitresses with my hands clenched. I think I overdid it when I started to feel my poop come out! Hahahah!

Here is the lady that tried to keep me, and who squished my poop! Hahaha!

Ey dada's picture is missing... :(

Happy Memi's Day, Memi!


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