Thursday, November 29, 2007

Pointing out things

Chab takes a taxi to Ikea.

Looking out the window, she sees many trees along the road.

"Fayest!" (Forest!) she says.

Upon approaching the Ikea building, she says,

"There it is!!!"

The cab driver laughs. Memi says, "How did you know?" :)

At home, Chab is watching cartoons on TV. Memi changes the channel. She says,

"What happened?"

Chab is wearing her Dora panty, resting from wearing diapers. She taps Memi on the shoulder and says,

"Aw, man! Wee wee!" and points to her pee on the floor behind us.

Other words that Chab says:
Bath-a-wuhm =bathroom
Mush-a-wuhm =mushroom
Bember = remember
Gagol = juggle
Where are you
I found it


Anonymous said...

"Aw, man! Wee wee!" ;D NYARHARHARHARHARHARHARHAR!!! that is TOO funny!!! aw, man! ;p hahahahah

how DID she know it was ikea? when ur 1yr old can recognize the ikea bldg.. u know u go there a lot ;p nyahahahaha

Dreamer said...

I know! it's weird! but so cute the way that she saw aww, man!! she also says oh, no! but it sounds like aw noh!

i dunno how she knew it was ikea, but it was a big blue building. hahah.that was surprising for me.

Anonymous said...

wahahahahahhahahah!!! cute!!! :D :D

can't wait till you guys get here :D hehe

hey, i have a multiply na! :D hehe