Sunday, June 29, 2008


Tito Joey: Elisha, you get the frog and catch it.

Elisha: No, no, no.

Tito Joey: When you are in 2nd year high school, you have to catch a frog and cut it open.

Elisha: No, no, no... I don't like high school.


Friday, June 27, 2008

Lola's death anniversary

Yesterday was ngonga's death anniversary. We went to visit her, had a picnic and then we had mass for her. I fell asleep before we made it to the mass, because I was so tired from the morning when I had my first VTR.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Right now Chab is...

saying, Mommy here's your bagses.

Right now Chab is...

playing make-believe boats with the pillows and asking for oars.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My 1st class at Gymboree

June 11, 2008
climbing the slide
I had my first class at Gymboree. I got to play by myself for a while because I was early. I had fun climbing and jumping on the trampoline. The place was very colorful. I had fun playing with Memi and then with Dadi. :)

Dadi rolling me along

My teacher arrived at 4pm and so did my other classmates. My classmates names were Sam, Anika, Paola and Sidney.

I was excited and curious to see what would happen because it was my first time in a class. Memi said I was very good at sitting and listening to my teacher, even when all the other kids were distracted and running away to play.


The theme for the day was monkeys, ooh aahh!!! We pretended to be monkeys, looked around for bananas, fed a monkey puppet some bananas, had a pretend coconut cafe where we climbed small hills and then did the BANANA SHAKE and the gorilla stomp, crossed the bridge to monkey island, climbed a make-believe tree to pick a banana, sang songs about monkeys with actions - CLOMP!, and hung around the monkey bars like a monkey. I was the best at hanging. I could hold on for 22 seconds, everyone held on for 9 seconds. I practice hanging at home a lot!

We also sang a song with Jimbo the clown of Gymboree, caught a lot of bubbles, and made a colorful house with the parachute. We played in and out with a long and colorful garter.

In and out game

stretch it...

We shook colorful maracas and then played the keeping game with a song, "this is the way we pack away, pack away, pack away" to the tune of the wheels on the bus.

At the end teacher gave everyone stamps for being good, but I didn't want any, because I didn't like to stamp it on my body..heheheh!

Monday, June 16, 2008

I am 2 today!

June 16, 2008

I am officially 2 years old today!

I had my party last Saturday and all my cousins and friends came to play with me at Fun Ranch. We had spaghetti, chicken and lechon! My cake looked like a barn and I had many cupcakes with cute barn animals on them. Everyone got to play in the activefun play area. I think they all loved it. :) I love playing in activefun.

I couldn't blow out my candle because I'm afraid of fire! But, maybe next year :D



My dress was from Gingersnaps and my cake was by Bohemia. Thank you everyone for the gifts and I hope that you enjoyed your lootbags! : )

Thank you Gwanmum for getting the lechon. :)

Thank you Dadi and Memi for the party!

See more pictures here

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Things I do

Dadi and memi were so proud of me when i remembered to turn of the television before going upstairs.