Monday, June 16, 2008

I am 2 today!

June 16, 2008

I am officially 2 years old today!

I had my party last Saturday and all my cousins and friends came to play with me at Fun Ranch. We had spaghetti, chicken and lechon! My cake looked like a barn and I had many cupcakes with cute barn animals on them. Everyone got to play in the activefun play area. I think they all loved it. :) I love playing in activefun.

I couldn't blow out my candle because I'm afraid of fire! But, maybe next year :D



My dress was from Gingersnaps and my cake was by Bohemia. Thank you everyone for the gifts and I hope that you enjoyed your lootbags! : )

Thank you Gwanmum for getting the lechon. :)

Thank you Dadi and Memi for the party!

See more pictures here


Anonymous said...

wow!! the aminals on the cupcakes are soooooo cute!! i want one with the piggy!! awwwww!!! mmmmmm, lechon!! :q drool! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELISHA!!!

Dreamer said...

Thanks Tita liz!

hope to read more on your blog..

talk to you soon! :)