Saturday, November 29, 2008

The mystery of the red lollipop

Grandmum bought Chab a red lollipop. Chab broke the stick. Grandmum said here, i'll replace it, and changes the lollipop with a new one and leaves to go upstairs.

A while later Chab breaks the stick of the second lollipop.

As we are going upstairs for bed, we meet grandmum at the landing.

Grandmum: Elisha, o, where is your lollipop?

Chab: I broke it.

Grandmum: (thinking that she was thinking of the first lollipop) No, I gave you a new one, diba?

Chab: But, I broke-d it also..

Grandmum: I don't believe you.

Chab: I don't care!

Ayayay, what 2 year olds would say... Or maybe it's just this 2 year old. Where did she pick that phrase up, and how did she know how to use it?

Saturday, November 08, 2008

A Princess for a Day

November 8, 2008

I got to be a flower girl for the first time today at Tito EJ and Tita Jo's wedding.

My dress was shiny brown with an orange bow at the back. :) I was very excited to get the dress early and try it on. I practiced at home pretending to smile and walk down the aisle. I also practiced waking up early for 1 week, because the wedding was at 8 a.m.!

I got new white formal shoes, white stockings, and a shiny, pretty clip at IKAY to go with my dress.

When we arrived at the Magallanes church on the day of the wedding, I was scared, because I saw all the people! But after seeing the other kids, I started to relax. I did practice runs down the aisle holding my Memi and Grandmum's hands. Then I walked on the red carpet again with my Dadi, and again, by myself.

I got a ball of orange flowers to hold and more orange flowers to wear on my head. Then, I was ready. I'm proud to say that I was able to walk down the aisle when it was my turn to [even though Memi walked with me a bit at the start] and I walked all the way to the front alone.

Grandad and Grandmum came along to take a video of me. You can see the video at our house. :)

At the end of the day, I was so tired and wanted to remove the dress, the stockings, the shoes and the clip in my hair! Being a princess is not easy. :)

But I did love dancing at the reception and playing around in my dress. Thank you tito and tita for a beautiful dress and yummy muffins for breakfast.

Can I get my balloon now, Mem?

How about my orange bag, Dadiyoh?


This time for real!

November 6, 2008, Thursday

This time it was for real! Last thursday was my first time to pee in the real toilet. Memi put me in a panty that morning. We were in the den, and Memi was at the computer, then, I said, "Memi! Memi! MEMI!!!"

Memi looked and saw me looking like I had to pee [because I was sticking my butt out]. Then, she brought me to the toilet [the real one and not my potty] I was holding my pee for 20 seconds, but then I did it! I heard the sound, and I had peed in the toilet. :) Good thing I recognized that I had to pee AND called Memi AND was able to hold it till we got to the toilet. :)

I'd been wearing diapers for the past couple of days because I kept wetting myself wearing panties, and that Thursday when Memi put me in the panty, I think I knew that I had to tell her when I needed to go. I didn't want to wet myself again. :)

Congratulate me. :)

Another first at 2 years and 4 months.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Singing while playing

I made up a song today, while I was playing with my cooking toys. It goes like this:

A ngay, ngay bunny
And a pink, pink bunny
In a cozy ngaaaannnd!!!


(repeat 10x)