Saturday, November 08, 2008

A Princess for a Day

November 8, 2008

I got to be a flower girl for the first time today at Tito EJ and Tita Jo's wedding.

My dress was shiny brown with an orange bow at the back. :) I was very excited to get the dress early and try it on. I practiced at home pretending to smile and walk down the aisle. I also practiced waking up early for 1 week, because the wedding was at 8 a.m.!

I got new white formal shoes, white stockings, and a shiny, pretty clip at IKAY to go with my dress.

When we arrived at the Magallanes church on the day of the wedding, I was scared, because I saw all the people! But after seeing the other kids, I started to relax. I did practice runs down the aisle holding my Memi and Grandmum's hands. Then I walked on the red carpet again with my Dadi, and again, by myself.

I got a ball of orange flowers to hold and more orange flowers to wear on my head. Then, I was ready. I'm proud to say that I was able to walk down the aisle when it was my turn to [even though Memi walked with me a bit at the start] and I walked all the way to the front alone.

Grandad and Grandmum came along to take a video of me. You can see the video at our house. :)

At the end of the day, I was so tired and wanted to remove the dress, the stockings, the shoes and the clip in my hair! Being a princess is not easy. :)

But I did love dancing at the reception and playing around in my dress. Thank you tito and tita for a beautiful dress and yummy muffins for breakfast.

Can I get my balloon now, Mem?

How about my orange bag, Dadiyoh?


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