Saturday, November 29, 2008

The mystery of the red lollipop

Grandmum bought Chab a red lollipop. Chab broke the stick. Grandmum said here, i'll replace it, and changes the lollipop with a new one and leaves to go upstairs.

A while later Chab breaks the stick of the second lollipop.

As we are going upstairs for bed, we meet grandmum at the landing.

Grandmum: Elisha, o, where is your lollipop?

Chab: I broke it.

Grandmum: (thinking that she was thinking of the first lollipop) No, I gave you a new one, diba?

Chab: But, I broke-d it also..

Grandmum: I don't believe you.

Chab: I don't care!

Ayayay, what 2 year olds would say... Or maybe it's just this 2 year old. Where did she pick that phrase up, and how did she know how to use it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

BWAAAHHAHAHAHAHA!! she is too funny ;p lolz