Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Yesterday, we went to Bishan. That's the farthest away I've been from Orchard. That's where our new home will be. It was raining, so we had to go to the mall first. We went to Junction 8. I saw lots of baby things for me. I was eating grape ice cream dots while we were strolling around. Mmmm, I like it so much, I got it all over my shirt. We rested for a while and got to lay down while my mommy changed my dipey and daddy played with me, saying "once I was a wooden boy, a wooden boy..." Hmm, do I look like pinochio?

While waiting for a taxi, 2 people asked mommy if I was a boy or a girl. I was wearing a pink flowery top, pink pants and pink socks!!! Man!!! I think it's my hair style...

But they still say, "So cute!" to me wherever I go. Sometimes I hear it in Chinese or Indian. Even in Japanese! I'd like to say, "I get that all the time." :D lol

I like the red bean bag in our new house. There is also a nice big pool to swim in, a playground for me, and a place to do yoga.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Eating time

I'm practicing eating with my spoon,

and standing,

and falling

and dropping my rattle


and again for mommy to pick up

I have to close my eyes when the ratlle drops because the sound is so LOUD!

Photo album and video clips

Here are some pictures we took in the last weeks. I miss my yaya I have to fold my own laundry. Look at this!

After I wake up,

Sometimes I am noisy,

Sometimes I like to play,

Sometimes I like to dress up, (thank you to tita ritzy and tita lynly for my clothes here)

and look at myself in the mirror

Friday, February 23, 2007


I have a new stroller! It's a Mclaren! It's grey and black, and airy because the seat is made of net. It has a basket too! I don't have a picture yet, because we don't have the camera yet, but I'll put it here as soon as we get a nice picture. :)

I have new milk containers, bowls and a spoon and fork set for traveling!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

My journey pictures

Pictures from my journey to singapore!

Eating krispy kreme

These donuts are sooo soft I can bite of a piece even if I didn't have teeth yet before. This is me eating my last krispy kreme before going here.

I say 'dada!'

Look at me say dada...

8th month

I'm 8 months already. I can crawl fast, kneel, stand (holding on to mommy, a pillow or climbing up daddy while he sleeps), hold my spoon. I'm getting my first tooth. It's on the front on the right side and you can see just a bit of the white of my tooth :D It hurts though. :c I eat cold orange slices to help ease the pain. Sometimes I like to hold the orange slice and bite off some of the peel. :D Then, mommy always gets the peel inside my mouth.

I like dropping things from my high chair, especially my rattle. I have to close my eyes when I drop it because the sound is LOUD!

No pictures yet. I'm waiting for the camera.

I'm going to watch a parade tomorrow on Orchard!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Lion Dance!

I watched the lion dance on Sunday morning Feb. 18. They had it in the lobby of our apartment :) I have a video of me before the lion dance. The drum was loud and I was holding on tight to daddy's hair, because I was sitting on his shoulders :)

They gave me some money in a red envelope and 2 gold coins!

The lions peeled some oranges and threw some lettuce leaves in the air. They set off some firecracker sounds and stood and danced :)

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Walking Orchard

Yesterday I walked the whole of orchard from end to end. :) Actually, I slept part of the way and mommy and daddy pushed me. :) It's a long walk about 1 and a half hour.

We had some snacks along the way. I saw pigeons! We went to mass and I saw a hawker centre.

I watched the fireworks at night at the esplanade. There were many people there. We had to wait for an hour because we got there at 8pm. I had my first chocolate chip cookie :D

What a long day! I fell asleep in the taxi on the way home, and didn't eat dinner anymore coz I was sooo sleepy. I just drank my milk :)

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Friday night adventure

Last friday night, daddy, mommy and I went to tanglin mall to go grocery shopping. We went to Market place. There are sooo many things there! so many colors, fruits, organic things, brands and best of all, food for me! Later, I ate some of daddy's cheeseburger at Mcdonald's. :)

All the other shops were closed already getting ready for chinese new year.

I'm going to see the Lion dance tomorrow at our apartment lobby.

I went to Wisma Atria and Wheelock place today. I had my first sip of Coca-cola, some bites of french fries and carrot.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

1st bus ride and MRT ride

Here we are waiting for the bus. I am wearing my new sun hat that we bought in Takeshimaya. My first bus ride going to church. There were not too many people on the bus, and I can ride for free! I also rode the MRT for the first time on the way home.

I can stand!

Look at me! I can stand up while holding on to something. I am 8 months old.

Out for lunch

Mommy, Daddy and I went out for lunch. We just walked and ended up at CPK. My first lunch in Singapore. :) But I was too tired, so I slept while they ate.

Settling at treetops

Here we are at the apartment, resting after our trip. Not much of a picture. Maybe you can see more pictures of our temporary place here .

1st public transport

I rode my first taxi last Feb. 10. Daddy met us at the airport, yay! I was happy to see him again. :)

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Arrived in Singapore

Here I am at the airport! It was a biiiig place. One of the security guys asked if I was a boy or a girl, even if I was wearing a dress!!! Hmph! Hahahah!

1st Plane ride

My first plane ride was on feb 10 with my mommy at 820 in the morning. i had to wake up 5am. i don't usually wake up at that time so when i got to the airport i was hungry and sleepy. i cried all the way to the gate before riding the plane.

I was one of the first to get on the plane, although I was asleep and didn't see the entrance. Mommy carried me in. I woke up in the airplane already. I made friends with the flight stewardess there. Her name is Yang.

She gave me a rugrats doll. I had Rice cereal with applesauce for my airplane meal and I slept in a baby bed in front of mommy's chair.

I watched flushed away on the plane and here is my picture with Yang. She had red nail polish that I liked. My favorite color is red.

My other picture is after I just woke up after the airplane landed. :)

Monday, February 05, 2007

Trip to Lola Liza

Here I am visiting my Lola Liza on this cold cold day. It's soo windy!

The small neck

How can this little neck hold up this head?


my paper hat.

don't i look great? hahahah!

More of the neeeeccckkk...


I don't know why, but my mommy likes the back of my neck and the way my hair makes a zigzag at the end. She keeps taking pictures of my neck and calling it "The NEEEECCCKK!" and 'The BEEESSSSTTT!!!"

Greatgrandmother's gift

I got my first pair of socks from my great grandmother Mila, who visited from Cebu. They are pink and white slipper socks with pink stars on the bottom, so I won't slip (but I don't walk yet, hee hee). Here I am wearing them and holding a dress and hat set that she also gave me. :D

I just want to talk!

Hi daddy,

I just want to talk! Look at me here in this video...


Thursday, February 01, 2007

Short story

Mommy made a short story about my birth...