Saturday, February 17, 2007

Friday night adventure

Last friday night, daddy, mommy and I went to tanglin mall to go grocery shopping. We went to Market place. There are sooo many things there! so many colors, fruits, organic things, brands and best of all, food for me! Later, I ate some of daddy's cheeseburger at Mcdonald's. :)

All the other shops were closed already getting ready for chinese new year.

I'm going to see the Lion dance tomorrow at our apartment lobby.

I went to Wisma Atria and Wheelock place today. I had my first sip of Coca-cola, some bites of french fries and carrot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! DA FACE!!!! nyahahahahahahahaha!!! "mmm... tender juicy!!" HARHARHARHARHAR!!!