Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Knowing how

I was watching Dora the explorer today, and I saw an ice cream cart. So, I went to the kitchen to get yaya.

I said, "Come!".


And brought her in front of the TV.

"KuK!" (I meant 'look')

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

13 months, I can ask for things I want

I'm thirteen months old now. I can do almost everything! hahahaha! Today I asked for a banana from memi by signing it and saying "nana". Before, I only used to say it if Memi or someone mentions it, but now, I know how to ask for things I want.

I also know how to sign "open" and today, I asked Memi to open my jumping rockstar ball with batteries.

I missed my 2nd nap during the day, so around my bedtime, I asked Memi for milk by signing and saying "ilk".

I can say most words now, and I love to copy everything I hear. I'm saying "Ay!" a lot now. I know how to say "GO!" if I want to go out or go out of a door. I can say "tee" for tree, "be" for bear. I can say cow, and "ca" for car. I also say "ba" for umbrella, and "mo" for more. Other words I say are "light", "Pooh", "Dowa" for dora, "now", and "ap" for up. I use 'up' a lot when I want to get out of the high chair, out of the crib, out of the changing table, when I stand up when I'm playing by myself and when I want to climb things.

I still smack my lips when I sleep. I hold my feet for Memi sometimes to help her when she changes my diaper.

I like to go to bed at 1030pm and wake up at 9am, so that I can see daddy before he goes to work :)

I had many small bumps already from my walking and exploring around the house, but I am having fun. I like going out more now, because I can walk and explore.

I'm enjoying playing with the mirror we have at home. I always dance in front of it, and go to it if I have a new outfit on, or if they fix my hair, or just if I want to do silly things like bending sideways, smiling and making pa-cute. That's when I hold my shoulder near my chin and smile and have my arms stretched straight with hands together, fingers outstretched.

My new tricks are: raspberry, indian indian, wrinke nose and sit down.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Dancing, dancing, dancing

Chab learns how to step and dance. Here she is playing shaun the sheep's theme song on the website on the laptop. Halfway through the video she does her dance :) She also says "back" at the end of the video, because "Shaun, the sheep will be right BACK on Disney Channel"

Happy Eating

What's this?

Listen to my laugh

Monday, July 09, 2007

Looking back at my 8th month, our move

This is me back when I was 8 months and first discovered standing up. I loved holding on to the couch and looking out the window at teksis (taxis). Now that I can walk, I don't look out that window so much anymore. I like exploring!

I also had to pack my clothes 2 times.

Looking back at my 8th month and first teeth

See me smile my spongebob smile :)


Some ol swimming pics

Seatbelt! So we can be safe.

This my first picture with my new shoes, that I bought just before my birthday.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Saturday, July 07, 2007

How old are you?

Watch me say how old I am!

First time sliding on my own

This was my first time to slide at the playground on my own.

UK Fun Fair at Bishan

It was my first time to go to a carnival. I was one year old. I rode the pirate ship, that was like anchors away at enchanted kingdom

And the go cars (not the bumper cars)

I liked the car, but I was scared on the pirate ship. I was shaking. I was in shock, I just held on to memi really tight without moving or talking, until we reached the Mcdonalds and got some ice cream, and then I felt better :)

Driving Bananas

Chab's first time to ride token cars. See her drive!

Monday, July 02, 2007

First Gigil

Chab learned the sign for "cold" last mother's day. She was 11 months old here.


yourbabytoday.com's one year old baby milestones are:
Wow! Your Baby is One Year Old!


By Jill Tomlin

Take time to pull out the photo albums and review the miraculous changes you've witnessed in your baby this past year. Incredible! Most important, revel in all baby can do as she celebrates her first year. Baby has a delightful sense of humor, and she takes great pleasure in teasing you. She loves to express affection, and she's most likely has mastered the art of hugging and kissing. What a great year it's been -- and what an amazing adventure your family has ahead of you.

Milestones this month | Food for thought | Doing little things a lot better | Play group, anyone? | Just for mom

Milestones this month*
  • Your baby now drinks from a cup without assistance. - chab doesn't yet, she is now enjoying straws.

  • She can stand alone for several minutes. - chab can even almost run!

  • Baby walks well (keep in mind that good crawlers often are late walkers). - chab wasn't much of a crawler, almost went straight to standing. Chab thinks that she is spiderman. She likes to climb things even if they are walls or cabinets, she will put her foot up to get a good grip to start climbing.

  • She waves good-bye and plays pat-a-cake. - she waves goodbye since her 9th month, now, she can SAY 'bye'. Moves her hands when you sing pat-a-cake.

  • Baby says "mama" and "dada." - says memi or mama, signs daddy.

  • She says other one-syllable words (like "hi"). chab says bo for ball and ba for balloon, ba for banana and ba for umbrella!

  • Baby expresses her wants with gestures and words instead of cries. - chab signs the words and points and grunts if she doesn't know the sign. She prefers to walk on her own now to get where and what she wants. Mostly, she likes to walk on her own and doesn't like holding our hands, especially when exploring.

  • She engages in gibberish conversation. - chab has her own language at night, and talks herself to sleep. She repeats everything we say now, and likes to talk much.

  • Baby responds to simple commands. - chab knows how to say how old she is by holding up one finger. She can also show her belly when you ask, and touch her brown hair, when asked, "where's your brown hair?" She can do 'gigil', beautiful eyes, and many more.

My first playdate

I had my first playdate today with my neighbor, Katarina. She is 1 year old and 4 months. We just played with some of her toys and I brought some of mine to share with her. I had orange juice and some German stick bread that Tita Alina shared with me. I enjoyed it very much. I tried to tap Katarina on the shoulder while she was drinking water from a glass, but mommy said not to, because she might spill her water. :)

I was up for playing because I just woke up, but Katarina had a bad toothache because her molars where just growing. She was not up for playing that much, but she still did, and she and I even danced to some German nursery rhymes.

I tried a push toy, but I didn't know how to use it, so I just carried it around. :)

Til next time!

Other uses of a balloon

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Birthday Blast!

I'm one year old! A whole year blogged right here.

My birthday was a blast! I had 2 funny clowns who did magic and a bubble show, lots of Dora giveaways and a mascot! Dora the mascot looked like Dora the rat killer, not Dora the explorer, but we all had fun. Everyone danced! I had a bounce where I could jump and play, given by Grandad, and Granmum. I also had a hotdog cart, cotton candy and lots of ice cream!

The best part was spending it with my family. Daddy, Memi, Lolo, Grandmum, and Granddad, Tito Joey (baby....shark!), Ninang Kat, and my twin, Tita Jec. Tita Jec looked just like me when she was a baby.

Thank you Memi and Daddy! Thank you Grandmum for arranging the party there in the Philippines.