Wednesday, July 25, 2007

13 months, I can ask for things I want

I'm thirteen months old now. I can do almost everything! hahahaha! Today I asked for a banana from memi by signing it and saying "nana". Before, I only used to say it if Memi or someone mentions it, but now, I know how to ask for things I want.

I also know how to sign "open" and today, I asked Memi to open my jumping rockstar ball with batteries.

I missed my 2nd nap during the day, so around my bedtime, I asked Memi for milk by signing and saying "ilk".

I can say most words now, and I love to copy everything I hear. I'm saying "Ay!" a lot now. I know how to say "GO!" if I want to go out or go out of a door. I can say "tee" for tree, "be" for bear. I can say cow, and "ca" for car. I also say "ba" for umbrella, and "mo" for more. Other words I say are "light", "Pooh", "Dowa" for dora, "now", and "ap" for up. I use 'up' a lot when I want to get out of the high chair, out of the crib, out of the changing table, when I stand up when I'm playing by myself and when I want to climb things.

I still smack my lips when I sleep. I hold my feet for Memi sometimes to help her when she changes my diaper.

I like to go to bed at 1030pm and wake up at 9am, so that I can see daddy before he goes to work :)

I had many small bumps already from my walking and exploring around the house, but I am having fun. I like going out more now, because I can walk and explore.

I'm enjoying playing with the mirror we have at home. I always dance in front of it, and go to it if I have a new outfit on, or if they fix my hair, or just if I want to do silly things like bending sideways, smiling and making pa-cute. That's when I hold my shoulder near my chin and smile and have my arms stretched straight with hands together, fingers outstretched.

My new tricks are: raspberry, indian indian, wrinke nose and sit down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! too cool!!! galing galing signing baby!!! woohoo!!!! :D