Sunday, July 01, 2007

Birthday Blast!

I'm one year old! A whole year blogged right here.

My birthday was a blast! I had 2 funny clowns who did magic and a bubble show, lots of Dora giveaways and a mascot! Dora the mascot looked like Dora the rat killer, not Dora the explorer, but we all had fun. Everyone danced! I had a bounce where I could jump and play, given by Grandad, and Granmum. I also had a hotdog cart, cotton candy and lots of ice cream!

The best part was spending it with my family. Daddy, Memi, Lolo, Grandmum, and Granddad, Tito Joey (baby....shark!), Ninang Kat, and my twin, Tita Jec. Tita Jec looked just like me when she was a baby.

Thank you Memi and Daddy! Thank you Grandmum for arranging the party there in the Philippines.


Anonymous said...

weird! i was looking at the kids in the background and i thought, who da heck are those people? then i looked some more and thought, nooooo... are those camille and nico? or is that paco? taba taba!! and if that's camille, when did she become a tomboy? she used to be so girly? now she looks like jec! and who's that baby beside them? i dont recognize any of those kids! ;p hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

hehe. ^-^

wahahahaha! dora the rat killer. rotfl.

hey liz, it was paco and the baby beside them i think is one from shaun's side. ^^

wow.. first elisha looks like me when i was a baby, now camille looks like me before. hahahah^-^

halu, chab, aly, shaun, n michelle! :D