Monday, July 02, 2007

My first playdate

I had my first playdate today with my neighbor, Katarina. She is 1 year old and 4 months. We just played with some of her toys and I brought some of mine to share with her. I had orange juice and some German stick bread that Tita Alina shared with me. I enjoyed it very much. I tried to tap Katarina on the shoulder while she was drinking water from a glass, but mommy said not to, because she might spill her water. :)

I was up for playing because I just woke up, but Katarina had a bad toothache because her molars where just growing. She was not up for playing that much, but she still did, and she and I even danced to some German nursery rhymes.

I tried a push toy, but I didn't know how to use it, so I just carried it around. :)

Til next time!

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