Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Expressing myself at 21 months

Going up the stairs in the house, grandad brings me to the 2nd floor. But I want to go to the 3rd floor...

Chab: uuuuhhhhhh! (fake cry)

Grandad: What's that?

Memi: She is protesting.

Grandad: Why are you protesting? Are you protestant?

Chab: Uuuuuhhhh...Memi, I'm protestant!



Looking in a drawer of grandad's gadgets...

Chab: Memi, what's this?

Memi: A light. For the car.

Chab: Want to open...

Memi: It's closed...

Chab: Maybe... I need scissors.

Starts looking deeper in the drawer for scissors...


Looking up at the 4th floor

Chab: I want to go there there

Yaya: It's too hot there

Chab: I can try...


Watching cartoons

Memi: Do you want to watch Clifford puppy days?

Chab: Yah

Memi: Really?

Chab: I'm sure.


Grandad plays with Chab's polar bear pobee making it stand on hind legs and making roaring sounds walking towards Chab sitting on the bed.

Gwandad: Roaaarrrr!!!

Chab shouts, "NOT ON THE BED!!!"


Monday, March 24, 2008

Don't clean me!

I hate having having my diaper changed, or wiping my face or taking a bath. But, I still have to do them...

I don't like brushing my teeth too, unless Memi plays the game 'take out'. She says, take out the corn, take out the oreos...or any other thing I ate that day, while brushing my teeth.

I don't like washing my hands or wiping with baby wipes unless I know that I am going to eat something I like after. :)

Sunday, March 23, 2008


While in the grocery...

Memi: Chab! Look, grapes! There are red ones and green ones. Which do you like?

Chab: Anything. I like grapes.


Had some of Toto Doey's friends over, before leaving...

Jan-be: Elisha, are you sad to see us go?

Chab: No, I'm happy!


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Getting cheeky!

Dadi told Memi I'm probably gaining some weight as my cheeks looked rounder now and I'm getting a double chin...Dadi only sees my cheeks only on the webcam now as he's in back in Singapore, but he'll be kissing them soon! :D Hopefully he doesn't have to go back to Singapore as he's alone there and quite sad (don't cwy dadi...) I can't wait for next month to play gigil games with him before bedtime, and then I have to hug him so he stops tickling me hehe.. "hug!"

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Helpful and Sweet

I always like to help Memi when she is doing something. I like doing things together! Especially the sweeping and mopping. That is my favorite. I also help when loading the washing machine when I can. I like putting back what toys I got from my toy drawer and keeping the Memi's old matchbox cars back in their box when I'm done looking at them.

I like to ask, "What you doin'?" to everyone.

I always ask to hold dadi and memi's hand while walking so we can walk together. I always share my food with toto doey, memi, dady, gwandad, gwanmum, ninang kat, tita dec or yaya. Sometimes when I like the food I pretend to feed them with my arm outstretched, then, when they come close with their mouth open, I put the food in my own mouth. Hahah!

Monday, March 17, 2008

I'm 21 months!

I'm a pro at picking up things that you say. I say things like "Oh, dear, oh my, oh my godness!" (that's not at typo). If you say, "Where is your ilok? (armpit)", I say, "I'm on to you." If I'm holding a basket of things and they spill out onto the floor, I say, "Oh, no! My things!!" If I'm hungry already, I say, "I'm ringy, ringy hungry."

I'm still not into changing diapers, and haven't been for the past 2 months. I'm really afraid of changing diapers in public places. I cry and scream just to make Memi stop.

I like playing with my stuffed toys now especially my Singapore Zoo polar bear Pobee and my manatee who I call Dugom. I just started liking stuffed toys starting last month. I like feeding Poby my milk and rocking him like a baby.

I am great at pushing my Disney princess stroller. I don't need help from Memi anymore for steering. I love cars and bikes because I can steer now. I like sitting in the driver's seat of dadi's car and beeping the horn.

One time I was in the driver's seat playing while Dadi was getting HenLin. I beeped the horn even if Memi said not to because there was a girl eating in the shell station in front of the car. She was really surprised by the loud sound and her eyes grew very big!!! I quickly sat down from where I was standing at the wheel so she wouldn't see me, and started leaning my head to the left and sinking down to hide!

I miss my playdate friends and the playground in Singapore. So, Dadi bought my my very own playground! I ngove it!!! I like swinging high in my blue seal swing with the seatbelt on ,of course. Every morning I go out to play, and if I could go out at night I would play all night at the playground.

Memi got me a new potty, and I like to sit on it for 1 second and then stand up and say, "I'm done!" I'm not really interested in using it for real yet. Maybe when I'm used to seeing it around for a while.

It's very hot now here in Manila. I'm so happy that Dadi bought me a wading pool for outside! I use it almost everyday. Dadi, can you put a picture of me in my pool on my blog?

I don't like using my stroller much anymore here because we have a car. I like to walk around by myself in the malls and slide out of grasp if anyone is trying to pick me up.

I can sing all the words to Twinkle twinkle little star now and most of Old McDonald had a Farm. I like to use the microphone when I sing the Backyardigans theme song at the start of my DVDs.

I miss my high chair for eating and can't wait til it arrives. I hope my toys get here soon too!

I have to upload my pictures of the zoo, singapore flyer and my friends Katharina and Janek. Here are some:


Saturday, March 08, 2008


Walking through the garden carrying Chab, Memi walks through a spiderweb.

"A spider web! A spider web!", says Memi removing it from her hair.

Chab thinks for a while...

"A website!", she says.