Saturday, November 08, 2008

This time for real!

November 6, 2008, Thursday

This time it was for real! Last thursday was my first time to pee in the real toilet. Memi put me in a panty that morning. We were in the den, and Memi was at the computer, then, I said, "Memi! Memi! MEMI!!!"

Memi looked and saw me looking like I had to pee [because I was sticking my butt out]. Then, she brought me to the toilet [the real one and not my potty] I was holding my pee for 20 seconds, but then I did it! I heard the sound, and I had peed in the toilet. :) Good thing I recognized that I had to pee AND called Memi AND was able to hold it till we got to the toilet. :)

I'd been wearing diapers for the past couple of days because I kept wetting myself wearing panties, and that Thursday when Memi put me in the panty, I think I knew that I had to tell her when I needed to go. I didn't want to wet myself again. :)

Congratulate me. :)

Another first at 2 years and 4 months.


Anonymous said...

congratulations! :D

Anonymous said...

thanks tita ngiz! and thanks for reading my blog :)