Thursday, October 29, 2009

Trick or treating October 2009

Yesterday, Dado invited me to go trick or treating at his office. I said, YEEESSS!!! I got excited to wear my costume - Ballerina princess. :)
Ballerina princess

I'd like to thank my sponsors:
Dress by Grano
Crown by Alexis J.
Wand by Grano
Shoes by Mem and Dado :)

There were lots of kids, and we had to squeeze into the lift going to dado's office. I said, sikip sikip! First we watched a play with Peter Pan, then we started going around to get candy.
Trick or treat!

I saw a mermaid! When we got to dado's floor it was decorated with pirate ships, sand and empty bottles. The doorway was dark and a monster giving candy surprised me! I let out a short scream and was frozen. :) Memi had to get the candy for me. :) Then, I saw the monster take off his face and I said, "It's just a girl. :)"

I filled up the green trick or treat bag Dado gave me. Dado had to keep all the candies first because it was getting too heavy for me. Thank you Dado. :)

I had fun playing, singing and dancing at Dado's office. I especially loved dressing up and getting treats. :)

Here are some more pictures :)



do the robot

Nobody but you

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Stay ma baybe

Here is my favorite song from Nickelodeon. Stay my baby by Miranda Cosgrove. Hear me sing!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Chab at 3

Some of the things Chab does now:

*Gave up her stroller to walk, because she is a big girl na.

*When going down an incline while riding her bike, she says, "That's janederous!"

*Likes the 'coldest pillow ever' when sleeping

*Doesn't have to wear diapers during the day anymore.

*Can eat an ice cream cone on her own without spilling.

*Knows how to bargain.
"2 games before I sleep."


"1 game?"

*HAS to eat dessert after meals.

*Is not afraid to walk her dog, Pototot, the sibe.

*Likes to ride her pink princess bike around the village in the afternoons (and mornings, if she would be allowed)

*Has to have orange juice first thing in the morning.

*Loves watching Play School (australia), playing boowa and kwala and nick jr games.

*Likes to do things on her own as much as possible.

*Can go pee by herself without the help of a grown-up (if at home)

*Likes to set the table for meal time

*Can turn on the aircon and night lamp for bedtime

*Loves playing pretend, and drawing.

*Can wash her hands properly like a surgeon, taught by ninang Dr. Kat

*Remembers to take her vitamins at night

*Likes helping Memi roll dough for bread or pasta.

*Likes flat coke without what she calls the 'torot' or the carbonation.

June 16, 2009

My Birthday Photos

We took pictures with the whole family (except Tita Liz and Tito Odari who are in VA), and then we had dinner at CPK. I ate by myself. :)

My paper hat.

Birthday hat

Yummy mango shake!

Picture with Dado.

Picture with Memi
loving my shake

I gotta learn to smile... :O)
3rd birthday at cpk

My puppy Pototot

Here is an old photo of me with my puppy Pototot.


Here we are watching TV


He is much bigger and browner now. He grew big really fast!

Tuesday, August 04, 2009


Since I can't go to the beach...

Chab's impressions

I can imitate a basset hound...

Chab's magic spoon

I told mem I could do it. I can balance a spoon on my nose just like the guy in Tricky TV.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

A week to go

A week to go before my birthday, so I"m learning how to do things on my own.

I played the big girl game today. I took a shower instead of a bath in my baby tub. I shampooed my own hair and soaped my own body. :) No more toys in the bath! Then, I dried myself with the towel (my first time), and chose my own clothes. I put on my t-shirt and panties all by myself! :D

Before bed, I packed my toys away and chose my bedtime story. I drank my milk in a glass instead of a milk bottle. Then I got a chance to brush my teeth on my own, too. I learned 2 new Tagalog phrases before sleeping by playing a game with Memi. Memi said a word and I said gusto ko or ayoko. I had so much fun learning, but then it was time for bed, so I got under the blanket and hugged my pillow. Goodnight! :D

Friday, May 29, 2009

Almost 3!

My favorite game now is dress up and pretend. Yesterday I put a bucket on my head like a helmet, and used the lid as a steering wheel, and put a towel on my back like a jacket and I pretended to be "pizza guy".

The other day, I wore my old flower girl dress and tiara given by my ninang vikki, and pretended to be a princess just before bedtime.

I've been watching a lot of Play School on the Australia Channel, that's why I like playing these games now.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Addicted to Boowa and Kwala

I love playing Boowa and Kwala all day. I've been doing this for a week now. Nevermind that I am only 2 and can play on the laptop for hours. Oh, my poor eyesight... I have to go outdoors soon.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Chab's story

Chab reading an empty book after having her bath:

"One day there was a beautiful seradactil (pterodactyl) who lived with her Memi seradactil. And then came Daddy seradactil and they were happy. Then there was Lolo seradactil and Granma seradactil and Grandad seradactil and they were great! Chab seradactil liked pizza. Then they all went home and lived happily ever after. The end."

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Learning and Growing

Yesterday I craved buchi, so today we went to lunch in North Park and I LOVED it! Yum, yum! I did a dance when the buchi arrived and I smiled the biggest smile and I rubbed my tummy. :)

I recently bought a "learn to write" activity book. Now I can draw circles, squares and triangles. I'm still trying to follow the dots on my book, but I'm getting there. Memi says it's very early for me to start writing letters, but my book is fun and there is no harm in learning, right Dado? :)

Dado taught me how to use the mouse on the laptop today. :) I'm so glad I learned! I love Boowa and Kwala and now, I can play the games by myself! :D Memi has a video of me playing the game. Enjoy watching it, once she uploads it. :) I loved playing, I think I played for one whole hour! I'm proud of myself and Memi and Dado are proud of me too.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Two years and 9 months

Random Things about me

1. I think I like arts and crafts, because I like watching the arts and crafts part of the Martha Stewart show when Memi watches. Sometimes I prefer to watch that segment than to switch the channel to cartoons.

2. I know when I'm sleepy, because I get hyper and one time I said, "Something's wrong with me..." and then I fell asleep.

3. When I was 1 I used to bite red bell peppers because I thought that they were apples. Memi thinks that I liked them, because I did not spit it out. :) The bell peppers in Fairprice are sweet!

4. I'm firm in my decisions. When I say 'no', I really mean 'no'.

5. I like to protest when Memi turns the night light off at bedtime, but I fall asleep really fast after it's dark.

6. I like my morning routines and depend on them. When I wake up, I have a bottle of milk, then go to the potty and change my diapers to big girl pants, then go have breakfast.

7. This summer, my favorite food is lumpiang toge and mashed potato. Also, I like a cold apple and cornflakes after I have my swim.

8. I like scraping out the cream center of Oreos and putting the cookies back in the wrapper. I also like biting Hello Panda cookies in half, and scraping out the chocolate center.

9. When Memi's attention is divided, I say, "Mem, why don't you let me talk?" or "Mem, listen to what I say."

10. I still hate having my nose cleaned, but I can sleep through the night in panties and not wet the bed. Yay! some progress.

11. I think that Jerry is a girl and Tom is a boy.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Kids say the darnedest things

Memi was pretending to be asleep last night. Chab tries to wake her up by shouting, "Memi! Memi! Memi!"

When that doesn't work, she says, "Someone please adore me."

Who's been watching too much Fairly Odd Parents? :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Chab is currently wishing for:

1. Blue's Clues notebook with the thinking chair on it and the crayon.


Sunday, February 08, 2009

Does your 2-year old say...

1. While watching Tom and Jerry: "Jerry is a spectacular animal."

2. When she is cranky and needs sleep: "But, I don't wanna be good, I wanna be bad."

3. After reading 'From here to Maternity': "I want babies."

4. When I turned off the light in the bathroom: "You wooined (ruined) my bath! You turned off the lights."

What else has Chab told you since she started talking that surprised you? Please leave a comment and share it with the rest of us. :)
