Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy 2007!

Happy New Year, everyone! I watched the fireworks outside while covering my nose with my lampin. There were many bright and big fireworks. It was noisy, too. I only watched for 5 minutes because I started to cough because of the smoke and mommy brought me in the house already.

I had fun! I kept looking around because of all the noise.

I slept late today..1230am :)

Mommy's birthday tomorrow!

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Tinikling, Tinikling!

Tinikling, tinikling...

That's my new dance. Daddy holds me up by the arms and i do a tinikling dance with my feet, toes pointed. Sometimes I do the dance on daddy's chest and he says it hurts coz of my pointed big toe. Hahaha! But I'm just having fun.

I can also do a mean "She ain't nothing but a hound dog" Elvis dance.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Favorite shows

The Wonder Pets, Dora, and Baby Einstein

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Milestones, soon to be 7 months old

I like sleeping on my side now, just like mommy and daddy can. I can move backward n foward and sideways on my belly, and I'm trying to get up on my knees now. In the meantime, I'll continue to practice climbing up my yaya, just like rockclimbing. I have a bit of cold now (my first time to get sick), but I'm still as cheerful as ever. I'm drinking medicine and lots of water, juice, and milk. I'm also eating lots of fruits like apple, orange, pear, and papaya.

I like listening to my favorite song, 'Wonder Pets', from Nick Jr. and playing with my toy piano from auntie Vikki. I love music. Daddy got me a bouncing ball that plays music and makes me go nuts.

That's all for now. Time to rest and get well for tomorrow.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

At 6 months

I'm still waiting for mommy to take my 6 month photo. I can touch my toes now and I tried eating my big toe once. I like to roll all over mommy and daddy's bed. :) I can say 'hi' to mom now when she says 'hi' to me. :)

I like sitting with daddy on the couch while he watches TV. I like putting my feet up. Here is a picture.

I can start eating fruits this week, and in 2 weeks, vegetables! I still eat my rice and wheat.

Friday, December 15, 2006

First Solid Food

I ate my first solid food on December 1, 2006. I was 6 months old on that day. Wheat and milk by Cerelac was what I ate first. I was so excited and I loved the food very much. I've been waiting for food for a while now, and it tastes gooooood!!! :)

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Penguin practice

I was practicing wearing my bib for the big day when I get to eat solid food already. Here was my picture. I'm eating solid food already now like rice and soya, wheat and milk. I'll put my pictures from that day up here soon.


There was a pretty big typhoon last Sept. 28. All the power went out and the wind was blowing really hard. We went to visit tita Ria in her office to get some aircon and sleep. Grandmom was also there for an operation, I remember.

Here is my picture from our stay in the office.

Last Nov. 4

I forgot to tell you about my first trip to the mall. Mommy and Daddy brought me to Mall of Asia. We went around the ice skating rink (not inside), into some clothes shops for mommy, and best of all THE BABY DEPARTMENT!

I wanted to take some pictures too, at the studio, the picture company, but I was just too tired and sleepy from all the excitement! Daddy said next time I'll be able to go when I am not that sleepy. I hope I can go again soon. :)

I also went to SM in Makati the next saturday after my mall of asia trip. I went with Grandmom and grandad and tito Joey (who looks like the guy in Nacho libre...) Hahahah!

Shopping is fun!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Grabbing things

Bye bye my mobile...

I had to say goodbye to my crib mobile, because the 'rents wanted to keep it already since I might pull it down. I can reach for things and turn left and right when I am on my tummy. I can reach for the things I want now. =)

I started sleeping late recently. I wanted to move to the midshift, just like daddy! hahahah! :)

I like putting my feet up when I sleep, eat, play, and any time of the day. :) it relaxes me.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Speaking whale

daddy says i can talk to whales. See me talk on mommy's multiply.

Monday, November 20, 2006

My schedule

2am - cry. wake mommy to let her know i'm hungry. try to sleep while daddy plays with me. sleep.

5am - whimper. i'm hungry again, mommy! burp me, too!

8am - uuuuuhhhhh! make some sounds in my sleep. kick off the blanket.

10 am - wake up before mommy and daddy to get some play-alone time. look around the dark and quiet room while slowly openning my eyes. study my hand. eat it. tap mommy to see if she wakes up. she just looks at me and goes to sleep again. turn around. look at daddy turning in his sleep. ugh, can't reach! go back to eating my hand.

1030 am - wake up mommy for real now. she smiles at me. we play for a while until daddy wakes up.

11 am - call yaya. spend time in the crib, changing my diaper. play with my mobile and froggy. drink my orange juice.

12 nn - watch mommy or daddy or both of them eat. i wanna eat too! yum! chew...chew...chew my gums....smack my lips...

1 pm - take a bath. splash the water all over the room, into my crib and all over the carpet and on mommy. try to look down so yaya cannot wash my neck. attempt to poop in the tub sometimes.

120 pm - let mommy clean my ears and give me my vitamins. wear the vitamins on my lips like lipstick. water!!! milky!!! let daddy brush my hair into a jose rizal do.

2 pm - 6pm - say goodbye to daddy when he goes to "work" but i think he just disappears for a long time (like in peek-a-boo) into the hole in the wall that mommy calls a 'door'. play or sleep depending on my mood. watch cartoons ...

7 pm- watch mommy eat. grind my gums..., yum!

8 pm - play! play! peek-a-boo! eat froggy or humpty dumpty or lester the bear...hug my favorite bolster pillow.

10pm - getting sleepy...

11 pm - I'M OUT!!!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

re-cap Chab laughs

If you go back to the post "learned to laugh" there is a new video posted.

here are some more. taken on the monday after milenyo.

Punch lines

Watching Spiderman 2 on HBO...

Cool Spidey outfit.


Where'd you get it?

I made it.

Looks uncomfortable.

Yeah, it gets kind of itchy.

And it rides up in the crotch
a little bit too.
...Chab reacts, "ehe."

Hahahahah! she knows the punchlines

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Latest infatuations

Lately, I like looking at:

remote controls,
my hand,
mommy's hand,
magazines and paper,
my new humpty dumpty toy that makes noises when you move it.


Friday, November 03, 2006

Monday, October 30, 2006

Zigzag hair

My hair is getting long. My mommy calls it the zigzag hair.

Friday, October 27, 2006

My favorite pillow

I love my bolsters. They are soft and fun to play with. I can hug them with my hands and feet at the same time!

My mug shots

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Dancing Feet

4 months old!

My favorite pillow
My shoesize, ahem, ahem
Arrr! I'm a pirate! I lost me leg in battle!
 Posted by Picasa

Pouring the water

Waah! cold! I wasn't ready! Posted by Picasa

Rafiki and Simba

Me and my dad, role playing rafiki and simba in the movie, the Lion King. Posted by Picasa

Celebration at Max's

Here we are celebrating with friends and family. I was sleepy... Posted by Picasa Thank you everyone for coming and celebrating with my family. Thank you all for your generous gifts, too!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

My Christening

Last Saturday, October 14, 2006, I was baptized in St. Alphonsus Church. I had to wear a long white dress ( just like what mommy wore on my mommy and daddy's wedding), and a white hat. Grandmum made my dress! I had all my ninongs and ninangs come celebrate with me. Lolo drove us to the church that morning.

I cried because it was hot and I was hungry! They poured water on my head and I wasn't ready!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


October 10, 2006

Today, I decided to practice my vocal chords. uuuuuuhhhhhhhh....uuuuuhhhhhhhhh!!!! uuuuuuhhhhhhhh!!!! That's what I said. I practiced from 12pm to 330pm until I fell asleep after eating.

Learned to laugh

Last Monday, just after the long power loss here after the typhoon, I learned how to laugh. Mommy was making a funny kissing noise and a funny face. Hahahahah! I laughed for the first time. She really looked funny even my tito Joe was laughing at her. Hehehe. Daddy was in the UK :( , so he didn't get to see me that time. Mommy took a video for him to see.

Daddy got to see my laugh when he came home that Friday. He made me dance to the song LDN by Lily Allen and I was shaking my shoulders and swinging my hips with his help. Hahaha! I like that song. Actually, I just liked seeing daddy smile and sing along with the song. :)

Tita Liz, mommy said that she will try to upload the video of me laughing.

Turned over!

October 9, 2006

I rolled over today on my own! Mom put me in the crib, looking at my mobile and when she left I wanted to turn over so I pulled the sheet and made it! When dad turned around I was on my stomach already. Hahah! Magic! I think mom and dad wanted to see me do it, so mom put me on the bed and I rolled over for her and dad to see. They were so amazed and proud! Hahahah! :)

I love playing on my stomach now. I can burp myself when I want by just rolling.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

3 months today!

I'm 3 months today and starting to study my hand. I think I can almost control it now. I can sleep longer at night, but sometimes I still like to wake up mommy and daddy early in the morning.

I don't fit in my crib anymore the way I used to so, mommy fixed it so that the space is bigger for me to grow. Some of my shirts are getting tighter and the socks that I wore in my first month photo don't fit me anymore. I changed diaper sizes already because I am growing fast.

I can't wait to hold my head up and eat food like mommy and daddy. I want my own spoon, bowl and cup.

I get red when it's hot. I get red when I cry.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Little girl big bed

I love sleeping on our big soft bed!

Playing with my hair

Mum's playing with my hair again...


"Dear Darla,
I hate your stinking guts. You make me vomit. You are the scum between my toes.


Monday, September 04, 2006

2 month and a half milestones

I get tickled on my neck and the soles of my feet. I like to make raspberries when I'm bored. I can laugh and smile. I like to talk especially when mommy talks to me. I like to wake daddy up around 10am and stare at him with my big eyes!

Yesterday, I had my first outing. Mommy and daddy brought me to mass, but I was so sleepy I slept through it.

Then, we went to Tita Kat's birthday at Burger King. There were lots of loud people there. I wore a party hat for the first time. :-) I had my own special drink

Mommy and daddy gave me a rattle last Saturday. I like the sound of it and I like watching the little colored balls move around. It calms me down when I feel like crying.

Mommy says I look like Chilly Willy

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Not too loud!

Singing, La La La!

Who took my mic?

How cute am I?

Look at this face! (I'm sleeping, shh!)

ARG! Don't clean my ears!


Mom's pictures

Back at one month old

Waah! I don't like this dress, Mom!