Sunday, October 28, 2007

East Coast Park

We planned a trip to visit East Coast Park yesterday.

I brought my brand new blue pail, so that I could play in the sand on the beach. I hadn't had my nap yet for the day since we left the house early, but it was all worth it, because I had so much fun riding the bike!

We had a small picnic with brownies, but memi forgot the picnic mat, so we sat the picnic tables instead :) Then, we rented a tandem bike with me in the front, daddy driving and memi at the back. Yaya also had her own small bike. We rode down the beach passed the jetty, and enjoyed the scenery. It was my first time riding a bike, and I LOVED it! I kept on shouting, "moving", "bike", and "hi" to the people along the road.

I also played in the sand with my new blue pail and some old scoops from my milk cans. I tried eating the sand while memi was not looking. It was crunchy! I was also saying "sand castle, sand castle!"

I forgot all about my sleepiness, until about after an hour when we were done biking and washed up for dinner. By that time, I couldn't fight sleep anymore and fell asleep at dinner.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Playdate at my house pictures

Katharina and Janek came over to play on a rainy day

Thursday, October 25, 2007

More firsts

Now I can use a spoon! I sometimes eat by myself. I like to choose from a variety of food on my plate. I love eating Campbell's mushroom soup, and also foods that I can hold. I can use my spoon to scoop rice into my mouth.

I can swing in the playground.

I also say, 'computer'!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Tagalog words I know and say

Hanga - Hala
Saket - sakit
butot - busog

Sunday, October 21, 2007

16 months old, howboutchu?

I've learned so much!

I can climb up the couch and go down all by myself. I can push a cart and steer. I can climb up the playground slide by myself, cross the bridge and sit down to slide down the winding slide at the other end. I can ride my trike, and push off with my feet to move forward. I like dancing with my butt moving side to side, moving the beat of Hi-5 songs or PAPAYA!

I can say when I am cranky or sleepy. I can almost use a spoon by myself. I'm still learning that one, but I don't have any trouble picking up food with my hands. I also announce, "Finished!" when I am done playing or eating.

I can identify almost anything, because I've been watching lots of Baby Einstein and Brainy baby videos. I know frog, rainbow, butterfly, horse, circle, red, blue, triangle, pizza and lots more! I know some of my shapes and colors already!

I can sing the last lines of the ABC song, Twinkle little star, Way Back into Love, Breakaway, and lots more. I'm now learning Row, row, row your boat.

I like to make doodles with Memi's highlighters and markers. I say, "wite" (write). My favorite shows are the ones with songs, like Lazy Town, Hi-5, Go Diego Go, and Dora the explorer.

I can follow simple instructions, like bringing Dady his cellphone, and taking off my shoes. I can stack blocks on top of each other now without Memi's help. My favorite part is knocking down the tower of blocks! I like to carry heavy things just to see if I can lift them.

I like reaching up on the table to see if I can get the things there. I also try to make the small stool a car by sitting on it and pushing forward with my feet.

I'm still reading my books, but now, I like to turn the pages and fast forward the story to the end. My favorite game is still peek-a-boo. I always get excited. I love getting applause and entertaining people. I also do a fake cry when I am frustrated and don't get what I like. I am testing my independence all the time.

I like copying all the things I see, that's why I'd like to have a play kitchen. I also have stroller now, and I love pushing it around.

I'm into exploring, howboutchu?

Wish list revised

Hi there everyone!

Here is my wishlist, revised, because I already got some of the things from Dady and Memi. :)

1. Potty
2. My size Chair/Sofa
3. Xylophone - got one already
4. Metal spoon and fork with case
5. Pais/pants
6. Slipper socks
7. A sun hat that fits
8. Musical toys
9. Baking baking (hahahah), cooking set or tea set, or kitchen
10. Mug with 2 handles
11. Hi-5 DVD (Dora or Go Diego Go or Lazy town)
12. Pull toy or push toy
13. Rocker/rocking horse
14. tricycle/car - got one from Dady already
15. hammer in shapes toy
16. crayola toddler crayons pack of 3 (shapped like an egg)
17. sand bucket with tools
18. kitchen set
19. wood toys
20. soft books with textures or cardboard books

More to come

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Thank you grandmemi and grandadi

I got a watch from grandmemi and grandadi today. Thank you for my dora watch! I love it. I wanted to open it right away. Here are some pics.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Monday, October 15, 2007

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Busy week

Last week was a busy week for me. Normally, I have lots of playtime at home with Memi, some swimming time and lots of shopping and grocery time with Memi. Last week was lots of playdates.

Monday: 930am -1100am - waffle breakfast, playing and shopping with mommy for yaya's birthday.
3pm-615pm - play at yannick's house
Tuesday: 10am-1130am - play by the pool and playground with Katharina
Wednesday: 10am-1130am - play by the pool and playground with Katharina
Thursday: 3pm-530pm - playgroup with Katharina and her friends Maya and Louisa. Yannick was also there. Played at Katharina's house, and then played with the water at the fountain play area beside the playground.
Friday: Stayed home. ;) I was still sleepy from waking up early.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Chab says

Chab slips and falls on the floor.

Chab says: Ay siwi (I'm sorry), floor.

Chab takes a bath. Time for a last rinse with a tabo full of water over her head.

Chab says: Ayaw. aykensi ( I can't see).

Saturday, October 06, 2007

My 1st Haircut!!!

Today I had my first haircut! Memi wanted to cut my bangs because they were getting into my eyes already, Daddy said no, not yet, he couldn't bear it :) But Daddy said otay at last, so the hair won't sting my eyes especially when my head's all sweaty.

Here is the "before" picture.

Memi did the 1st cut right in the center of my forehead and it was diagonal! Waahh!! Memi talaga!

Cut! Cut!


Daddy had to continue the cutting to try and make it even, but I was getting all squirmy so he had to stop otherwise he might accidentally poke me with the scissors. So look at my head, my hair's all diagonal and uneven...eeep!!

Then I drank some milk (ay-side!) and then fell asleep on the couch. Daddy cut my hair again and made it even..he took a pic while I was asleep..

Yay! Better now! :D

3 new phrases

Daddy: Chab, say "Rainbow."
Chab: "Bei - boom."

Daddy: Say "Christmas!"
Chab: "Kump-sumps."

Daddy: "I'm sorry."
Chab: "Ay siwi"


Tuesday, October 02, 2007

A full day

I woke up today late at 1030am and found katarina and her memi at my front door. Katarina wanted to play :)

So, I changed my dipes and put on some pais, put some toys in my push car and followed her downstairs. :)

We played all morning with her baby stroller, toys and my push car. I shared my french toast breakfast with her and she liked it very much. We played on the steps and on the slide in the playground.

After 1 hour of fun, we decided go home to get some water to drink :)

Upstairs, I had my bath and chicken carrot soup lunch (yum!). Then, it was off to Junction 8 to ride the bus. :) I liked riding the bus, and naming everything I saw inside. Ambeya! Book! tiangle! Daddy! Hat!

We made it to the doctors office, where I saw fishies and played with a nice wooden pull toy. I think I should have one of my own. Hint, memi!

I met the doctor, who gave me my MMR shot. He was very nice. He gave me a turtle spin toy to play with, so I wouldn't be scared, and after my vaccine he even gave me some gummy candy. My first candy! I told him, "More!" Hahahahaha.

This is my doctor's pic n website.