Saturday, October 06, 2007

My 1st Haircut!!!

Today I had my first haircut! Memi wanted to cut my bangs because they were getting into my eyes already, Daddy said no, not yet, he couldn't bear it :) But Daddy said otay at last, so the hair won't sting my eyes especially when my head's all sweaty.

Here is the "before" picture.

Memi did the 1st cut right in the center of my forehead and it was diagonal! Waahh!! Memi talaga!

Cut! Cut!


Daddy had to continue the cutting to try and make it even, but I was getting all squirmy so he had to stop otherwise he might accidentally poke me with the scissors. So look at my head, my hair's all diagonal and uneven...eeep!!

Then I drank some milk (ay-side!) and then fell asleep on the couch. Daddy cut my hair again and made it even..he took a pic while I was asleep..

Yay! Better now! :D


Anonymous said...

wahrharharharharharhahr!!! so funny! i like the before pic better, so cute! the final cut looks like the hair of the aliens in galaxy quest! ;p nyahahahahaha! and actually, all the little indian kids who are toddler age to about 5yo that i see here all have that same haircut for some reason...

Dreamer said...

ahahah, yea we didn't want to cut it sana. i was thinking christmas na lang, but then the bangs keeps going in her eyes! so then, i decided to cut it...since she keeps on playing outside now...pawis..

it doesn't look so bad actually. in the sleeping pic she looks like she has a helmet!!!!!! hahahah

Anonymous said...

wahahahaha... don't make it even, it looks strange. ^^; haha like you said, helmet. :P ay siwi ^-^

Unknown said...

when she is asleep, cut the bangs like they do in the parlor in V's not flat so it will look natural like the before picture. DO NOT CUT IT ANY SHORTER JUST SNIP THE TIPS LIKE V'S. VVVVV Don't you remember that is how Ken does it? Then it won't look like a helmet :-)

Unknown said...

the third picture is better because it is uneven (more natural looking like the before- picture). The flat even line is the old way they cut bangs.

TwT said...

it looks like shaun's pic when he was a kid.. gyayaahhahahah

Anonymous said...

oo nga noh! that was shauns bowl cut from his baby pic in their house! ;p wahahahahahaha!