Sunday, October 28, 2007

East Coast Park

We planned a trip to visit East Coast Park yesterday.

I brought my brand new blue pail, so that I could play in the sand on the beach. I hadn't had my nap yet for the day since we left the house early, but it was all worth it, because I had so much fun riding the bike!

We had a small picnic with brownies, but memi forgot the picnic mat, so we sat the picnic tables instead :) Then, we rented a tandem bike with me in the front, daddy driving and memi at the back. Yaya also had her own small bike. We rode down the beach passed the jetty, and enjoyed the scenery. It was my first time riding a bike, and I LOVED it! I kept on shouting, "moving", "bike", and "hi" to the people along the road.

I also played in the sand with my new blue pail and some old scoops from my milk cans. I tried eating the sand while memi was not looking. It was crunchy! I was also saying "sand castle, sand castle!"

I forgot all about my sleepiness, until about after an hour when we were done biking and washed up for dinner. By that time, I couldn't fight sleep anymore and fell asleep at dinner.

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