Monday, December 10, 2007

Was Dat?!?

My favortie phrase now is : "Wasdat?!?"

I speak in sentences now, saying things like:

"I like that."

"I get daddy's shirt."

"Elisha's toes stepping remote."

"It's ice cream."

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Dora and Boots Live Best Friend's Day

We went to watch the Dora Show at United Square last Friday. I sat upfront just inches away from the stage :)

At first, I was covering my ears because the music was so loud! Then when Dora, the map and Boots came out, I recognized the songs and started dancing. :)

Above are the pictures from the show, and some pictures of the Spongebob show after.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

I can construct sentences

Chab is spinning around and around playing. She says:

"Pinning!" (spinning)

"I'm dizzy."

"West." (rest)

And rests her head on the couch. :)

Chab is playing with her small round mylar ballon of Elmo, throwing it up in the air. She says:

"Catch it"

"Throw it"

"Throw Angmo (Elmo)."


After she does this for a few minutes, she says:

"It's so Fun!!"


She can construct sentences already and use the appropriate word for her situation! At 17 months :)

Monday, December 03, 2007

What are you doing?

Elisha reaches for the basket and scatters the contents on the floor.

Memi sees her squatting down beside the mess, thinking that she might have eaten one of the small things.

Memi: "What are you doing?"

Chab: "Pooping!"

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Pointing out things

Chab takes a taxi to Ikea.

Looking out the window, she sees many trees along the road.

"Fayest!" (Forest!) she says.

Upon approaching the Ikea building, she says,

"There it is!!!"

The cab driver laughs. Memi says, "How did you know?" :)

At home, Chab is watching cartoons on TV. Memi changes the channel. She says,

"What happened?"

Chab is wearing her Dora panty, resting from wearing diapers. She taps Memi on the shoulder and says,

"Aw, man! Wee wee!" and points to her pee on the floor behind us.

Other words that Chab says:
Bath-a-wuhm =bathroom
Mush-a-wuhm =mushroom
Bember = remember
Gagol = juggle
Where are you
I found it

Saturday, November 17, 2007

17 months, Learning on my own

I can eat an ice cream cone on my own.

I learned "abante ako!" while watching Game ka na ba. I also raise my fist in the air while saying this.

I can say "help" when i need it. I swinging and jumping, if only i could on my own already. :)
I can almost run run run fast like a big kid. I can use a key and open the tv closet by myself. :)

Had Katharina over again for a playdate. Here are some pictures.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Growing up

I love coloring. I make scribbles just after waking up, before sleeping and anytime I feel like it.

I can hide and pop up saying "peek-a-boo!". I love pretending to bake, or have a picnic. My favorite game nowadays is "find". I like pointing out things in a book while memi is reading. Also, I like finding the green peas on my plate along with the corn, rice, potatoes and soup. This makes eating fun. I can find things in a picture if memi says, where it is near or what the color is, even without pointing it out to me.

Stairs are my new challenge. Each morning I go down 4 stairs and climb up the ramp, go back down the stairs, and up the ramp. I repeat this all morning until I am tired.

I've learned how to swing, and tried doing it from the bar above the slide.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Playground Pro

I've almost mastered all the things in the playground. I can climb up the slide, walk across the bridge, identify the shapes and some numbers, drive the steering wheel, climb up the step to the spiral slide and slide down all by myself!

I can also climb up the car by myself, look!

Monday, November 05, 2007

New words I say in my 16th month

ang kanky - i'm cranky
ang neepy - i'm sleepy
angavu - i love you
waya - none / wala
sving - swing
ah got you - i got you
lancsam - slowly in german
sepate - separate
wantandon - triangle
damon - diamond
tandon - rectangle
sikkol - circle
scare - square
wed - red
byue - blue
geen - green
geen peas
yengo -yellow
owange - orange
bown - brown
ow, hurt, saket
fell/fell down
kusus - blues clues
bagans - backyardigans
sogar - sugar
foot/foos - foot
copter - helicopter
mix it
banana- I can pronounce the 'b' now
i-kim - ice cream
zuppa - super!bravo! in german
using- memi's using
a-one - other one
a-side - other side
ngongo - lolo
fends - the hit show F.R.I.E.N.D.S.
ky - cry. singing big girls don't cry by Fergie
eieio- singing old macdonald
by self
bahwohw - borrow
wow! woah!
slide/ wee
da neck
colors - crayons
wite - write
saya- sira
kuwe - carry
baksit - basket
put there
kendi / kendin - candy
come here/come here memi
it's daddy's
stay there
i don doh - i don't know
sand castle
cannot/cannot do it
i can do it

Sunday, November 04, 2007

By self

"By self!" is what I say when I want to eat using a spoon all by myself. I sit in a big persons chair and eat just like memi and dadi.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Saturday morning

After waking up...

Yaya: Elisha, you want to play? You eat first.

Elisha: Of course!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

East Coast Park

We planned a trip to visit East Coast Park yesterday.

I brought my brand new blue pail, so that I could play in the sand on the beach. I hadn't had my nap yet for the day since we left the house early, but it was all worth it, because I had so much fun riding the bike!

We had a small picnic with brownies, but memi forgot the picnic mat, so we sat the picnic tables instead :) Then, we rented a tandem bike with me in the front, daddy driving and memi at the back. Yaya also had her own small bike. We rode down the beach passed the jetty, and enjoyed the scenery. It was my first time riding a bike, and I LOVED it! I kept on shouting, "moving", "bike", and "hi" to the people along the road.

I also played in the sand with my new blue pail and some old scoops from my milk cans. I tried eating the sand while memi was not looking. It was crunchy! I was also saying "sand castle, sand castle!"

I forgot all about my sleepiness, until about after an hour when we were done biking and washed up for dinner. By that time, I couldn't fight sleep anymore and fell asleep at dinner.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Playdate at my house pictures

Katharina and Janek came over to play on a rainy day

Thursday, October 25, 2007

More firsts

Now I can use a spoon! I sometimes eat by myself. I like to choose from a variety of food on my plate. I love eating Campbell's mushroom soup, and also foods that I can hold. I can use my spoon to scoop rice into my mouth.

I can swing in the playground.

I also say, 'computer'!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Tagalog words I know and say

Hanga - Hala
Saket - sakit
butot - busog

Sunday, October 21, 2007

16 months old, howboutchu?

I've learned so much!

I can climb up the couch and go down all by myself. I can push a cart and steer. I can climb up the playground slide by myself, cross the bridge and sit down to slide down the winding slide at the other end. I can ride my trike, and push off with my feet to move forward. I like dancing with my butt moving side to side, moving the beat of Hi-5 songs or PAPAYA!

I can say when I am cranky or sleepy. I can almost use a spoon by myself. I'm still learning that one, but I don't have any trouble picking up food with my hands. I also announce, "Finished!" when I am done playing or eating.

I can identify almost anything, because I've been watching lots of Baby Einstein and Brainy baby videos. I know frog, rainbow, butterfly, horse, circle, red, blue, triangle, pizza and lots more! I know some of my shapes and colors already!

I can sing the last lines of the ABC song, Twinkle little star, Way Back into Love, Breakaway, and lots more. I'm now learning Row, row, row your boat.

I like to make doodles with Memi's highlighters and markers. I say, "wite" (write). My favorite shows are the ones with songs, like Lazy Town, Hi-5, Go Diego Go, and Dora the explorer.

I can follow simple instructions, like bringing Dady his cellphone, and taking off my shoes. I can stack blocks on top of each other now without Memi's help. My favorite part is knocking down the tower of blocks! I like to carry heavy things just to see if I can lift them.

I like reaching up on the table to see if I can get the things there. I also try to make the small stool a car by sitting on it and pushing forward with my feet.

I'm still reading my books, but now, I like to turn the pages and fast forward the story to the end. My favorite game is still peek-a-boo. I always get excited. I love getting applause and entertaining people. I also do a fake cry when I am frustrated and don't get what I like. I am testing my independence all the time.

I like copying all the things I see, that's why I'd like to have a play kitchen. I also have stroller now, and I love pushing it around.

I'm into exploring, howboutchu?

Wish list revised

Hi there everyone!

Here is my wishlist, revised, because I already got some of the things from Dady and Memi. :)

1. Potty
2. My size Chair/Sofa
3. Xylophone - got one already
4. Metal spoon and fork with case
5. Pais/pants
6. Slipper socks
7. A sun hat that fits
8. Musical toys
9. Baking baking (hahahah), cooking set or tea set, or kitchen
10. Mug with 2 handles
11. Hi-5 DVD (Dora or Go Diego Go or Lazy town)
12. Pull toy or push toy
13. Rocker/rocking horse
14. tricycle/car - got one from Dady already
15. hammer in shapes toy
16. crayola toddler crayons pack of 3 (shapped like an egg)
17. sand bucket with tools
18. kitchen set
19. wood toys
20. soft books with textures or cardboard books

More to come

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Thank you grandmemi and grandadi

I got a watch from grandmemi and grandadi today. Thank you for my dora watch! I love it. I wanted to open it right away. Here are some pics.

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Monday, October 15, 2007

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Busy week

Last week was a busy week for me. Normally, I have lots of playtime at home with Memi, some swimming time and lots of shopping and grocery time with Memi. Last week was lots of playdates.

Monday: 930am -1100am - waffle breakfast, playing and shopping with mommy for yaya's birthday.
3pm-615pm - play at yannick's house
Tuesday: 10am-1130am - play by the pool and playground with Katharina
Wednesday: 10am-1130am - play by the pool and playground with Katharina
Thursday: 3pm-530pm - playgroup with Katharina and her friends Maya and Louisa. Yannick was also there. Played at Katharina's house, and then played with the water at the fountain play area beside the playground.
Friday: Stayed home. ;) I was still sleepy from waking up early.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Chab says

Chab slips and falls on the floor.

Chab says: Ay siwi (I'm sorry), floor.

Chab takes a bath. Time for a last rinse with a tabo full of water over her head.

Chab says: Ayaw. aykensi ( I can't see).

Saturday, October 06, 2007

My 1st Haircut!!!

Today I had my first haircut! Memi wanted to cut my bangs because they were getting into my eyes already, Daddy said no, not yet, he couldn't bear it :) But Daddy said otay at last, so the hair won't sting my eyes especially when my head's all sweaty.

Here is the "before" picture.

Memi did the 1st cut right in the center of my forehead and it was diagonal! Waahh!! Memi talaga!

Cut! Cut!


Daddy had to continue the cutting to try and make it even, but I was getting all squirmy so he had to stop otherwise he might accidentally poke me with the scissors. So look at my head, my hair's all diagonal and uneven...eeep!!

Then I drank some milk (ay-side!) and then fell asleep on the couch. Daddy cut my hair again and made it even..he took a pic while I was asleep..

Yay! Better now! :D

3 new phrases

Daddy: Chab, say "Rainbow."
Chab: "Bei - boom."

Daddy: Say "Christmas!"
Chab: "Kump-sumps."

Daddy: "I'm sorry."
Chab: "Ay siwi"


Tuesday, October 02, 2007

A full day

I woke up today late at 1030am and found katarina and her memi at my front door. Katarina wanted to play :)

So, I changed my dipes and put on some pais, put some toys in my push car and followed her downstairs. :)

We played all morning with her baby stroller, toys and my push car. I shared my french toast breakfast with her and she liked it very much. We played on the steps and on the slide in the playground.

After 1 hour of fun, we decided go home to get some water to drink :)

Upstairs, I had my bath and chicken carrot soup lunch (yum!). Then, it was off to Junction 8 to ride the bus. :) I liked riding the bus, and naming everything I saw inside. Ambeya! Book! tiangle! Daddy! Hat!

We made it to the doctors office, where I saw fishies and played with a nice wooden pull toy. I think I should have one of my own. Hint, memi!

I met the doctor, who gave me my MMR shot. He was very nice. He gave me a turtle spin toy to play with, so I wouldn't be scared, and after my vaccine he even gave me some gummy candy. My first candy! I told him, "More!" Hahahahaha.

This is my doctor's pic n website.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

15 months

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I am 15 months old now :) I can ride my ice cream cart and push it forward with my feet while riding all by myself. :) I can blow a whistle and climb up the couch without help.

I can talk and laugh with you and feel sad if you are sad. I can express feelings of frustration (tantrums!), fear, excitement and happiness.

I love going outside now and exploring.

I can say borrow and eeewww (when I first touched sand). I like helping out mopping and pretending to talk on the phone like daddy. I don't like to sit in my stroller the whole time that we are in the grocery. Sometimes I like to help put things in the grocery cart. :)

My favorite toys are 'baking-baking' (a spoon and a cup to practice mixing), and an empty bubble bottle during my bath.

I like to experiment to see what reaction I get. I try shouting, pinching, dancing and asking for applause. (cap!)

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Sunday, September 16, 2007

My "just woke up" hair

Wanna see me after I just woke up?? Click on the pictures to make them stop and grow bigger.

Having a fever

I'm having a slight fever right now. Memi and Dade think it might be because of my teeth. I am growing 3 at the same time right now, ow. Sacket (sakit).

It started yesterday around 5pm at 38.3 degrees C. Got worse at night at bedtime, so I went to bed early.

"Memi, milk."

Took my paracetamol at 230am 38.9 degrees. I call my medicine kenni (candy).

Woke up with a 37.2 temperature :)

Also, I went swimming yesterday... Before I got sick of course. :) Here are some of my pictures

Friday, September 14, 2007

Using phrases

Memi covered my face with my towel. I said, "I can't see, I can't see", but actually it sounded more like: aykensi aykensi :) hehehe

Thursday, September 13, 2007

My Christmas Wishlist

Hi Ninongs, Ninangs and everyone!

Here is my Christmas wish list :)

1. Potty
2. My size Chair/Sofa
3. Xylophone
4. Metal spoon and fork with case
5. Pais/pants
6. Slipper socks
7. A sun hat that fits
8. Musical toys
9. Baking baking (hahahah), cooking set or tea set
10. Mug with 2 handles
11. Hi-5 DVD (Dora or Go Diego Go or Lazy town)
12. Pull toy or push toy
13. Rocker/rocking horse
14. tricycle/car
15. hammer in shapes toy
16. crayola toddler crayons pack of 3
17. sand bucket with tools
18. kitchen set
19. wood toys

More to come


Say shampoo.



I say "I'll get, I'll get, I'll get it"

Say ketchup

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Saying phrases

I can say many phrases now like:

g'der - go there
g'der basil - go to the basil
put der - put there (when i put my sippy cup in the cup hole in my tray on the high chair)
memi, more caders - mommy more crackers
werdit - where is it?

I also changed saying "milk" to the word "milka" :) I can kiss with sound. :) LOOK!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Say Alfalfa

My simple dance

This is my simple dance

Monday, September 10, 2007

Almost 15 months

I'm learning and growing everyday. I can now ride my push kart on my own and kick to make it go. Only, it goes backwards, haha.

I also have a bunch of new words:

abeesee - abc

achoo - achoo!

a-pah - oprah, when i see oprah on tv :)

a-phat - elephant (i can say it now, i just use the sign some times)

a-side - otherside. when i want to drink milk from mommy from the otherside :)

awrid - i read. i say this when i want to read a booook

ayaw/no - no, when i don't like something, i know how to use this word when i need to.

babye - bye

bite - bite

bite - when I want to bite what you are eating

cadoot - carrot

caman - c'mon, or let's go

daddy - i call and say daddy now, not dade anymore.

fit it /i fit it - when i want to put stuff in a jar or my toy house

foik - fork

giv - give. when I give you something

hiding - hiding

hoise - horse; when i want to ride on your back and play horse

i know - i know

i-rinse - i rinse, when i see the tabo i use for taking a bath

i-sim - i swim. when i say this i hold on to the door and also say gadown!

kiky - sticky. when I get a sticker/food stuck on my fingers

milk - milk. i can say the whole word now and not just 'ilk' :)

Mino - Milo

paygound - playground. i want to go to the playground

pin /pining- spin/ spinning

seilf - self. when i brush my teeth by myself

sit - sit / i sit

soap - i can say soap now and not poas, but my shampoo is still shapoom (not pasham anymore)

the/a - i use articles like "the top" or "a car"

wee wee - when I wee wee/pee. i was able to say wee wee just before peeing in my tub :)

yaimmy - yummy ( i don't use the sign anymore)

yaya - yaya

I don't like to use my plastic spoon and fork now. I won't eat from it anymore. I'm a bee guh (that's big girl). I like to use a small metal spoon and fork now.

I have 3 new teeth growing. One on the right side of my 2 bottom teeth, and my 2 molars on my bottom gums :)

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Allergies and spots spots spots

I was having red spots that turned white in the middle, that were so itchy! I might be allergic to something I ate last Monday and Tuesday... Maybe it's peanuts or the air...I'm not sure yet. But it might be the peanuts...or too much pork...

I went to the doctor on Wednesday for a check up and he gave me some cream and syrup for my itching. I call it kenni (candy). :)

I weighed myself in the clinic and I was 9.3 kg.

I feel better now and I don't have my red spots anymore thanks to the medicine :) Yay!

Friday, August 31, 2007

Just bursting with words

Foik - fork
a-side - other side
koot - cute
ay ike it- i like it

shoes! wear! dress! out! - what i tell mommy when I want to go out.

nice - nice
badoon - ballon
batoon - button

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

New words I learned today

I learned some new words today while playing with Katarina:

wasser - water
hutte - hat
fuß - foot

Monday, August 27, 2007

Come, memi, come!

More words that I can say:

* kuton - cotton
* cuton - crouton
* tutul - turtle
* patis - pawis
* ayaw - i don't like
* padow or papo - pillow

Sunday, August 26, 2007



Thank you to everyone who voted on my poll. You all think I should try potty next. Maybe by December :) I'm not ready yet now :)

Hint, hint for my christmas gift... :)

I'll also be ready for new toys and toothpaste and other things by that time :)

First time walking in the pool on my own

I walked in the baby pool by myself today with out my floater! I enjoyed swimming with daddy and mommy very much.

I like bringing my toy whale everytime I go swimming.

I can also climb UP the slide in the playground now, and, I can do it on my own!

I also enjoy baishing (brushing) my teeth at night. I call my toothbrush "seilf", because daddy said, "Aw, you're big na. You can brush your teeth by yourself." So, I say "seilf" everytime I see my toothbrush.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Monday, August 20, 2007

14 months, I can talk now, apprx 90 words

Even though I started saying some words for more than a couple of months now, I can officially say that I can talk now!

I gave up already some of the signs for the words that I can say now.

A list of things I can say:
* a ba - umbrella
* a di- for when they ask me who is my mommy
* agen - again
* ah, there! - for playing peek a boo, or finding things hidden behind your back.
* ahnow - i know
* a-kay - for ok
* ap - up!
* apo - apple
* asem - asim
* ays - ice
* ba bye - good bye
* Ba! - when i play peek a boo and i want to say boo!
* baby - when there is a kid/baby near me
* back - for when i put back the toys that i get in the proper place
* ba-fly - butterfly
* baish - brush
* baking - when i play pretend baking with a spoon and bowl, mixing dough
* be - bear
* biggie biggie - gabi gabi
* cadel - candle
* ca-ders - for crackers
* cai-car
* cap - cup
* climb/kyme - for when i want to climb up the table or chair
* come! - when i want to bring you with me
* cose - close
* cut - when yaya cuts my food or if i see my fork
* didit- i did it
* dowa - dora the explorer
* eieio - singing old mcdonald
* els - what else
* epen - or open, for when i want to open toys and things
* es (yes) with a nod or i do a wormy dance with my belly - to say yes
* eteng - eating
* fesh -fish
* ffffan - fan
* ffffffffffffffffine - when they ask me how are you
* gadown - when i want to go down from the bed
* go, go! - i want to go
* gog - for when i see a doggie
* gus - juice
* hair - my brown hair
* hapity - happy birthday
* happen - what happened?
* hi - for when i see a new person and i want to greet them
* i kyme - i'll climb
* igedit - ill get it
* ikeepit- for when i want to keep a book
* james - for when they ask me who is my grandad (i'm still working on this one, there are so many)
* key - key (sing: the key to the world 2x, to the tower of power -from the Backyardigans)
* kike -kite
* kip - for clip when i want to clip my hair
* krim/ays kim -for when i want ice cream
* ky - sky
* kyme high - when i want to climb high :)
* ma lou - for when they ask me who is my grandmum
* maw - meow!
* memi ilk - when i want mommy's milk
* mo - more
* moo - what the cow says
* naids - for when they ask me who is my lolo
* name - when i get a pen and write my name on the floor (pretend) and i say "sha" or "elish" at the same time
* nen-nen - when I want to watch baby back - baby genius series with Fur Elise (tenen nen ne nen ne nen ne nen, tenen nenen, tenen ne nen!) Memi and tito Joey can play this on the piano.
* no with a shake of the head - when i want to say no. like when they ask me if i want to take a bath.
* none - when i look under the couch and don't see any of my toys
* now! - when i want to play the swiper word game at
* oot/out - when i see a door and i want to go out
* ow! - when i bump my head, knee, finger or anything else
* pa time - once upon a time
* pais - pants
* panj - sponge
* pa-taye - patay!
* pay - play
* paza - pizza
* pin - when i want to spin in the office chair
* poas - soap
* pooh - winnie the pooh
* pusham - for shampoo
* ride -when i see a token car ride, and i want to play
* saun - for when they ask me who is my daddy
* sha - for when they ask me my name
* shine, sign - singing the last words in the song "Way back into love"
* spay - spray
* tar - star. Singing Twinkle little star
* tazan - tarzan.
* two!/ toh - when i am holding up 2 toys
* wado or vater - for water
* waish -watch
* weh - wear.
* wersit - where is it?
* what? - what
* wove - love. When I sing Way back into love

whew! i'm sure there's a lot more I know, but that's now about 90 words!

I'm also starting to give up my bottle :)

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Monday, August 13, 2007


More words

you say shampoo, I say poo-sham

i call water, wado :)

I can say some tagalog words too. this one was while watching Narnia, when the lion died

saying CASTLE

i love bananas!

I call them 'mama' instead of banana because I can't say that yet. When I see bananas in the kitchen, I say, "Bite!"

Here are some pictures of me with my banana breakfast